Accidental Kisses (Part 1)

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Jim stood over Dwight's desk, one hand was on the edge of Dwight's desk and the other was placed on the back of his seat. His face was close to Dwight's as he looked over his shoulder to see the paperwork Dwight was checking over. "So does that all look right? Stanley and I couldn't figure out what code corporate wanted us to use for that order" Jim told Dwight, pointing at the paper. Dwight scrutinized the paper, "everything looks fine and wow the two brightest minds in the office put their heads together and didn't get an answer. Shocking" Dwight boredly told him. 

Jim rolled his eyes at Dwight, he wanted to defend himself, but it wasn't worth it and also Dwight didn't seem to be saying it too maliciously so he'd let it slide. The two continued to look over the reports, comparing their quarterlies to make sure everything was all in order before they had to submit the paperwork to corporate. 

Jim yawned into his shoulder. There was nothing more boring then paperwork and the fact that he was standing and had his back bent made it even more worse, but Dwight appeared to be almost done so he'd just suck it up. 

Jim wandered into a state of boredom, his mind drifting to thoughts of the game tonight and what he would make for dinner. He didn't even notice when Dwight had finished looking over the reports and handing them up to him. 

"Thanks Dwight" Jim said and absentmindedly pressed a kiss to the top of Dwight's head. He shuffled through the papers as he straightened himself up and walked to his desk. He whistled, as he sat himself down putting the papers into a manilla folder. 

Dwight sat at his desk perplexed. His eyes were wide and he was looking around making sure others had seen that Jim had just kissed him on the head with no prelude. He looked at Pam who had her jaw open and her hands were raised in shock. Creed was nodding, and Phyllis looked at Dwight with concern. 

. . . . . . .

"Oh Jim, don't try to kiss me" Oscar joked, ducking out of the way as he walked out of the bathroom and held the door open for Jim. "Oh haha yeah. Wait what?" Jim asked, but Oscar had already walked out of the kitchen. "Weird" Jim thought, furrowing his eyebrows and looking at the camera curiously, but he decided to ignore it and went into the bathroom. 

The second incident that threw Jim off was Phyllis smiling brightly at him every time he looked over to her and Stanley chuckling. Jim was beyond confused, why was everyone acting so weird around him? 

He walked over to Pam's desk, hoping for some normalcy. "Hi Pam" Jim said, looking down at her and smiling. "Hello Jim" Pam said, with a confronting tone. "What's the hostility for Beesly?" Jim asked, popping a jelly bean into his mouth. "I don't know Jim. I'm not surprised if Dwight didn't tell me, but I'm surprised you wouldn't" Pam told him, hurt evident in her voice. 

"Pam what are you talking about?" Jim asked, becoming serious as he realized his best friend was actually mad at him. "You and Dwight dating!" Pam angrily said, getting out of her chair and angrily walking to the kitchen. Jim looked at the camera shocked, and quickly walked over to the kitchen to join Pam. "Pam what are you talking about?" Jim asked exasperated, blocking her from entering the bathroom. "You gave Dwight a kiss" Pam said plainly with her brow raised and her arms crossed. 

"Pam I literally have know idea what you are talking about" Jim said, borderline hysterically. Pam looked at Jim with a confused expression, "so you're not dating Dwight?" she asked. "No! Pam, no. Why would I? And I would also tell you if I was" he told her, looking at her earnestly. Pam nodded and her expression seemed to become more relaxed. "Why'd you kiss Dwight on the head then?" she asked, still confused about Jim's actions. 

"I didn't kiss Dwight?" Jim said, skeptical about her words and also his. Pam nodded her head, "yes you did. After he looked over your reports you kissed him on the head" she told him. Jim looked at her in shock, "I didn't. I couldn't right?" Jim asked her, pushing his fluffy hair back. Pam started to panic for Jim, "you did. Jim are you okay?" she asked, holding his arm. "Yeah, I'm just, I don't know why I would do that" Jim told her, confused by his earlier actions that he seemed to have no memory of.

. . . . . . . . .

Jim couldn't concentrate as he worked. Sure it's fair to say he never could concentrate on work, but today was especially different. Dwight was blatantly ignoring him more than usual and Jim was grateful for that. 

Why did he kiss Dwight on the forehead? An action of that, so subconscious usually might be done between two people who are together. Romantically. But Jim and Dwight were anything but. They were amicable enemies at best. 

Jim decided he needed to head home early, there was only an hour left of work anyway. No point staying at work. With all of his coworkers, even the ones who hadn't seen him kiss Dwight on the forehead now knowing about his stupidity, they kept giving him weird giggles and smirks. . . . . . . . . 

Jim felt better the next day. He had watched a great Phillies game, ate some enchiladas with Mark, and had a good nights sleep. He smiled bright at Pam, "you seem happy" she said, yawning as she hung her coat up. "I slept great last night" he told her, hanging his coat next to hers. "Good for you" she told him, giving him a playful glare. 

Jim walked over to the kitchen. He had skipped out on coffee at home, so he figured he'd need to make one here to survive the morning agenda; which was a conference room meeting. "Morning Dwight" Jim greeted, smiling at the man. Dwight's back got slightly tense, but besides that he wordlessly made his coffee, only giving Jim a nod to acknowledge Jim's presence.  

"Mind pouring me one?" Jim asked, putting his cup out to Dwight. He knew it was hopeful to ask Dwight to pour him a cup, but he had been having a good day so far. Why not try right? Dwight surprisingly poured Jim a cup with no arguments. "Thanks Dwight" Jim brightly said, smiling at the older man. Dwight nodded and took a sip of his coffee, looking at the cupboards in front of him. 

Jim smiled, more to himself this time and drank his coffee amicably next to Dwight. "Thanks Dwight for the coffee" Jim said, patting him on the back, before he walked out he gave Dwight a kiss on the cheek and happily hummed out of the kitchen. 

"What the hell" Dwight yelled into the empty kitchen, minus the camera crew. "Is this a prank?" Dwight asked the camera, pulling his hair. The cameraman shrugged his shoulder, not really sure what was up with Jim, but it wasn't their place anyway to deal with it. 

Dwight was flabbergasted, this was the second time in two days that Jim had kissed him. What was his angle? This had to be a prank right? Only possible explanation. "Well Jim, I won't come down to your level" Dwight thought to himself and confidentially strutted to his desk.

. . . . . . . .

"So what do you guys want to show me?" Jim asked, taking a sip of his grape soda as he sat in the conference room and watched the camera crew set up the tv. On the tv there was Jim and Dwight in the kitchen. Jim gave a confused look to the camera, unsure why they were showing him this. The camera man signaled for Jim to keep looking at the screen.

"Oh" Jim said, rubbing this face when he realized why the camera crew was showing him this footage. Jim was thankful that the blinds were closed and that none of his coworkers could see that Jim had kissed Dwight again, without even thinking about it. 

"I'm not sure what that was about" Jim admitted, sighing. What was wrong with him? Why was he kissing Dwight and not even realizing that he was doing it? "Can I go?" Jim asked, already making his way to the door. He shut it harder then he had meant to and startled some of his coworkers. 

"Pam I did it again" Jim told Pam, whispering to her at her desk. "What?" Pam asked, looking up from her computer. "I kissed Dwight again, this time on the cheek" Jim whispered, his face anxious as he told Pam. "Oh boy Jim" Pam said, worriedly looking at her best friend. "I know. What am I going to do? I apparently can't go a day now without kissing Dwight and not even realizing that I am doing it" Jim whispered, exasperated. 

Pam looked at him with wide eyes, "apparently not" she whispered, stifling a giggle. "Beesly! This is serious" he said, still panicked by his actions. "Maybe see if you do it again tomorrow and then we can call a doctor or something?" Pam offered. "I can't go another day accidentally kissing Dwight and everyone seeing it" Jim said, heatedly. 

Pam shrugged, "experiments in school only worked if we did three trials. This could be the same" she said. Jim looked at her hopelessly. Was this really the best option? 

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