Hotel Room

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Dwight knew Jim was near him before he even heard a word. Felt Jim's hand on his back, softly kneading his shoulder.

"Hey Dwight" came Jim's cheery voice as Dwight shrugged him off, both sinking into their regular habits and routines even as they were hundreds of miles away from Scranton.

"Jim" Dwight said curtly, shoving Jim's hand away. "Come on Dwight" Jim said, placing his hand once again on his shoulder. Dwight merely rolled his eyes, letting Jim leave his hand on him even though he pretended it wasn't there.

"Excuse me?" Dwight called out, peeking his head over the reception desk at the hotel they were all staying at.

Jim looked over Dwight's shoulder, resting his chin on his shoulder. "I think you should keep ringing the bell and shouting" Jim unhelpfully whispered.

Dwight felt a shiver run through his body as he felt Jim's lips run over his ear when he spoke. "Move it" Dwight said, but leaned slightly back into the solid, warmth presence of Jim's body.

Jim decided he really didn't feel like as he continued to press into Dwight, waiting for the receptionist to come. 

"Hi, yeah one room for Dwight Schrute and James Halpert" Dwight said, bumping his shoulder up so that it hit Jim's jaw. 

"Dwight" Jim complained, shoving Dwight in the arm. 

"Here are the keys to your room, enjoy your stay gentlemen." 

Dwight hurriedly moved towards the elevators, already on a schedule from the looks of it. 

"No, there's a mistake" Dwight said looking at Jim and staring at the hotel room door that they both had keys in their hands for. 

"I think she thought when you said "one room" she meant one room for us" Jim said, not disgruntled the way that Dwight was. 

Dwight's eyebrows reached up into his hairline, face reddening in a combination of anger and embarrassment. 

"I am not sharing a room with you Jim" Dwight said through gritted teeth. 

"I'll leave the door open for you" Jim said with a grin, grabbing the key from Dwight's hand and entering the hotel room. 

Dwight looked at the open door with a wide opened mouth, feeling very unsure. 

Jim lay his head back on the pillow, arms behind his head as he watched the game and Dwight moving around the room.

"Dwight, stop rearranging all of my things" Jim said, patting the space next to him. "Come on." 

Dwight glared at Jim and the spot on the bed, but made his way anyway. No he was not sulking, he would deny that to his dying day. 

With a couple of jabbing elbows and shoves, the two eventually lay shoulder to shoulder, Jim's leg on top of Dwights and Dwight's socked foot gently moving against Jim's. 

"Stay on your side idiot" Dwight grumbled as they settled under the covers, ready to fall asleep. 

"I am on my side" Jim said, poking Dwight's ribs. 

"God do you have ice cubes for feet?" Dwight grumbled, minutes later. 

Jim put a hand over Dwight's mouth, "shhh" he whispered, "trying to sleep." 

Dwight licked Jim's hand and pushed him away, "you are an idiot" was Dwight's response. 

Jim x Dwight One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now