Phyllis' wedding (Smut)

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"Do you want to dance?" Dwight asked, a serious expression on his face, as he looked at Jim who was seated. "What Dwight?" Jim asked, looking over at Pam in bewilderment. "You heard me the first time and if you didn't then I rescind my offer because Schrutes only ask people of the utmost caliber" Dwight told Jim, looking down at him impatiently. 

Jim looked at Dwight, caught off guard, his mouth slightly agape. He wasn't sure if this was a joke or not and he didn't really love the fact that Dwight was insulting him, even as he was asking him to dance, but what the hell right? He smiled at Pam, who looked equally as shocked at him, but tipped her glass toward him and saluted him. 

"Sure" Jim said, reaching up to take Dwight's hand. Dwight nodded at Pam and then at Jim, leading him to the center of the dance floor. "Do you even know how to slow dance Jim?" Dwight asked Jim, tilting his head back as he reached over to grab Jim's hand and place his other hand on the middle of Jim's back. 

"Kind of" Jim said, wincing as he accidentally scuffed Dwight's shoes. Dwight shut his eyes, "idiot" he mumbled. Jim looked over to where Pam was sitting and laughing with Roy, he turned back to see Dwight looking at him intently. "What do I have something on my face?" Jim asked, feeling self-conscious under Dwight's intense gaze. "No" Dwight said, trailing off. 

Jim gave him a weird look, before twirling Dwight. "See? I can kind of dance" he said laughing. Dwight rolled his eyes, but smiled when they accidentally bumped into another couple. "Yeah I don't think this counts as dancing" Dwight said, trying to hide his laugh. Jim shook his head, laughing, as the couple they crashed into glared at them. 

"Real dancing is like this" Dwight said, leading Jim into a light swaying, with some footwork. "Dwight I don't think I can keep up" Jim said, staring down at their feet, as he tried to follow Dwight's movements. "Here just sway. That counts as dancing" Jim said, pursing his lips when he realized how close he had gotten to Dwight.

He was staring right into his dark, bluish eyes. His face looked younger, less severe when he was smiling and not as stuck up as he was at work. Jim looked at Dwight with a smile, as they swayed to the slow music played by Kevin's band "Scrantonicity." "Swaying doesn't count as dancing, you know that right?" Dwight said, looking up at Jim. 

Jim smiled to himself and nodded, "yeah I know, but it's better then me falling into every couple on this dance floor" Jim said, chuckling. Dwight laughed as well, "that would be ridiculous to watch" he agreed, laughing at the mental image of Jim getting scolded by all the women on the dance floor. 

"What are you still smiling about?" Jim asked, grinning at Dwight and bumping his shoulder against Dwight's. Dwight took a deep breath and said something he wouldn't normally have dared to say, but with a couple drinks and with Jim looking at Dwight so sweetly, he couldn't help it. "You look cute in a suit and I enjoy dancing with you" Dwight said, sputtering out the last half of his sentence. 

Jim looked at Dwight, shocked. First Dwight was asking him to dance and now he was saying he enjoyed dancing with him and... Holy shit! Dwight just said he looked cute. "You think I look cute" Jim asked loudly, shocked and feeling like he had imagined Dwight's words. 

Dwight looked at Jim miserably, not wanting to repeat the words that at the time had rolled off so effortlessly, but now he felt like he wanted the floor to swallow him up. Jim laughed again and pushed his hair back, "oh my god" he said to himself, absolutely shocked. Dwight pulled back, yanking himself away from Jim with a scowl to cover up the hurt he was feeling.

"Dwight, no. Wait. I'm not making fun of you. God. I just can't believe you said that. I'm just shocked" Jim clarified, reaching for Dwight. Dwight looked at Jim skeptically, but decided Jim was telling the truth. If he had any malicious intent towards Dwight, he would've already tried to embarrass him. "Okay" he said, allowing Jim to pull him back. Their positions more like a hug, then them trying to dance. 

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