Anonymous Chatting Site

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Jim inconspicuously looked around the office, head tilted back. It was the time of day where things were slow and quite. Michael had already held his conference meetings, Jim had done his prank of the day, someone had spilt coffee all over their desk, and now everyone was doing busy work, the only sound was the occasional phone call and the insistent clicking of keyboards.

Jim sighed and glanced up at Pam, debating whether he should go to her, but she was busy on a drawing so Jim left her alone. He glanced at Dwight, thinking of a way to bother him, but he didn't want to ruin the peace of the office, so he turned to his computer glancing at the chatting site Ryan had downloaded on his computer when he had sat at Jim's desk. 

Jim contemplated whether using something Ryan thought was worth downloading would be a good choice, but with one more glance around the office he decided why not? 

Jim entered the website, noticing how all the icons were anonymous, the only thing hinting at the people you chatted with was a small bio. His cursor traced the different options, reading the bios people put. Jim immediately chuckled when he saw one that said: "Male. Caucasian. Farmer." It reminded him so much of Dwight, so he clicked on it, ready to see what this caucasian, male farmer had to offer. 

Jim: Hi

Anonymous: Hello

Jim: How are you?

Anonymous: Always one hundred percent

Jim laughed out loud, a couple of his co-workers glancing at him. This was such a Dwight like response. 

By the end of the day, Jim had learned that the man owned a decently sized farm, liked cars, and cooking. He was different from Jim in almost every aspect, he didn't respond to Jim's jokes and was concise in his responses, but he intrigued Jim and was honest in telling Jim that he enjoyed chatting with him. 

Dwight hurriedly typed on his computer, submitting orders and glancing at the new products corporate wanted them to pitch. He was the most productive when the office was like this; quiet. No distractions. 

His brow furrowed as he glanced at the message icon that appeared on his screen. He had downloaded the chatting site a while back after falling out with Angela, but had yet to fully use it. He read the persons profile. "I love biking, nature, and chilling at home" the bio read. 

He liked two of those things, so he decided why not and responded with a hello. The conversation was dull, the person ruining the conversation with little jokes, but Dwight supposed it was alright. They both appreciated nature and the person was impressed by the fact that Dwight ran a farm essentially by himself. He came to even smiling at a couple of the jokes by the end of the work day. 

Dwight: I am leaving work now, but I enjoyed talking with you

Anonymous: I enjoyed it too, I'll talk with you tomorrow? 

Dwight: That would be adequate 

They talked everyday, little conversations about what they were doing that day, what they had ate for lunch, even what their favorite colors were. Dwight even eventually agreed to download the app on his phone.

Jim: Do you have any favorite shows?

Anonymous: I love Battlestar Galactica

Jim: No way, my co-worker is obsessed with that show

Anonymous: He must have good taste then 

Jim: His favorite food is beet, so yeah no

Anonymous: Nothing wrong with beets

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