Never Could Be You

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For ak                                          

who requested this loved writing it, sorry for the long wait!!

"You know we don't have to do the paper work if it's not official" Toby's voice droned in the annex space. 

"It's pretty official, I mean we're married" Jim said, smiling as he brought his hand up to show the shiny new ring on it and grabbed Dwight's hand to show his matching one. 

Toby frowned, a tired grimace on his face. "It's just a lot of paperwork... for something that probably won't last" Toby mumbled. 

"What's that?" Jim asked, still smiling brightly having not heard what Toby said. 

"Oh you know paperwork and all that" Toby said, turning around slowly in his chair and grabbing the necessary documentation. 

Jim held onto Dwight's hand as they walked out of the annex into the kitchen, resting his waist against the counter. 

"So when are we telling everyone?" Jim asked, reaching forward to swipe a stray hair away from Dwight's forehead. 

"How about never?" Dwight replied, holding onto Jim's wrist and kissing the side of it. 

Jim playfully rolled his eyes, "we'll wait a month." 

"Two months." 

"One and a half." 

"Deal, Mr.Schrute" Dwight replied, grinning at Jim. Jim grinned back, laughing at their exchange. 

"Jim, is that a ring on your finger?" Phyllis asked excitedly. Jim glanced up, eyes flitting over to Dwight, before looking back at her. "Yeah, Phyll." 

"Is it Pam?" Phyllis whispered in a conspiratal tone. Jim shook his head, a small laugh leaving his mouth. "I think she's seeing someone right now." 

Phyllis nodded, ready to continue the conversation, but was interrupted by her phone ringing. 

Dwight looked back at her, sighing slightly and shaking his head to Jim when Jim raised his brow in concern. 

"Okay, so wait. You wore your white shoes to go hiking?" Jim asked laughing and shaking his head. "I didn't think I'd be going hiking!" Pam defended herself. 

Dwight sat at the table in the kitchen, reading the newspaper in front of him and listening to the conversation in front of him. 

"I see the honeymoon phase is still going strong, perfect match you two" Oscar said, walking in to grab a cup of coffee. Pam chuckled, "yeah, what five years strong?" Jim nodded, "yeah think it's been five years now" sipping his coffee. 

Oscar laughed, tipping his cup up. 

"I can't believe we've been friends for so long and only have fought like what twice?" Jim asked. 

"Not too bad Halpert" Pam replied grinning. 

"Not bad at all Beasley." 

Dwight frowned at the section he was reading, unable to absorb any of the information his eyes were scanning over. Why did everyone think Jim and Pam were together? He wondered, I mean it was the second time someone had thought that the ring on Jim's finger was from Pam. Not him, ever, but Pam. 

It continued like that, little mentions of "ohh you guys are playing coy" to Jim and Pam and Jim never said anything. Just scrunched his eyes and laughed, changing the conversation or something distracting happening around the office. 

Dwight felt it weighing down on him. Felt this sharp pain as he looked at the matching ring on his finger and wondering am I even good enough for Jim? No one in the office thought so. What if Jim eventually thought the same? 

"Dwight" Jim groaned, body jumping before settling back into place. 

"My hands wouldn't be so cold if you hadn't used all the hot water" Dwight responded, continuing to attempt to wrap the bow tie around Jim's neck. 

"Your hands wouldn't be so cold if you just showered with me" Jim countered, laughing at the unimpressed look Dwight gave him. Jim sighed, loud and overdramatic. "I guess my husband doesn't want to see me naked anymore." 

Dwight rolled his eyes, dragging Jim over to the bed, hearing his laughs fill up the room as he put Jim on the edge of the bed in a sitting position. "Hope you don't mind your shirt being wrinkled." 

Jim looked up at Dwight, eyes sparkling. He grabbed Dwight by his tie and pulled him down, "I really couldn't care less Dwight." 

It took twenty extra rushed minutes for the two to be ready to leave their house, Dwight patting Jim's hair down, and Jim turning the air up so that their flushed faces could cool down. 

By the time they had sat down, seated next to everyone else from the office minus Angela who was the host of the dinner party; Jim's flush had calmed down a bit, but his hair was still a dreadful mess. 

"Pam didn't have a comb for you to use?" Ryan asked, making everyone at the table laugh. Jim frowned, trying to flatten his hair once they all looked away and began to talk. 

Dwight didn't mean to shrink into himself like this. To feel so insecure, but for once how could they not see the way he looked at Jim? How Jim looked at him? Pam, or anyone else didn't make Jim blush like Dwight did. Why didn't anyone care?

It was a stupid joke. That's all. Yet he couldn't stop himself when he said, "it wasn't Pam who made Jim's hair look like that." 

Everyone looked at him like he was insane. "Well it certainly wasn't you" Phyllis replied to him. It was like he was on autopilot when he threw his napkin on his half eaten food and walked out of the building, feeling like he was choking on his breath. 

"Dwight?" Jim called out, hands in his pockets as he walked out of the building.

Dwight froze, back scrunching as he waited for Jim's footsteps to get closer to him. Jim stood next to Dwight, shoulders lined up, but not touching. Jim waited for Dwight to say something, heart constricting and skin rising in goosebumps from the September air, and the uncertainty lingering around them. 

"I feel like I'm not good enough." 

Dwight's confession stung. Jim wanted to turn and gather Dwight in his arms, but he wasn't sure if that was what Dwight would need right now.  

"Everyone thinks you're with Pam, and why wouldn't you be with her? You guys are perfect together." 

Jim felt his throat constricting, eyes watering as he squeezed them shut. "Dwight, I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to be here. I love you Dwight, it's never been Pam or about what everyone else thinks." 

Dwight shook his head, "I thought that too, but I can't help feeling you're going to wake up one day and realize you made a mistake." 

Jim wanted to yell. To grab Dwight's shoulders and shake him and yell that he would never wake up and feel that way. "You've never been a mistake to me and you won't ever be Dwight." 

Dwight finally turned to Jim and looked at him. Jim let the tears slip when he finally saw Dwight looking back at him, hoping Dwight could see how much he meant to him. "Dwight, I'll never stop being in love with you and if I ever did or if you ever did we'd work through it, just like we've worked through everything else." 

Dwight nodded, wiping at his eyes. "Can I hug you?" Jim asked, tentatively. Dwight sucked in a breath, pulling Jim close to him. Jim settled his arms around Dwight, feeling Dwight settle his face into his neck. 

"You want to tell them Dwight?" Jim asked, looking down at their joined hands. 

"Let's do it" Dwight replied, bringing their hands up and kissing Jim's knuckles. 

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