Jealous Jim

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For @Nicki_Heel who requested jealous Jim and who is such an amazing person. Thank you for all of your nice comments, I appreciate you so much <3 

 "It's not funny" Jim crossly said to Dwight, throwing his jacket over the couch and loosening his tie. 

"I didn't say it was" Dwight responded, picking Jim's jacket up from the couch and setting it on the coat hanger where it belonged. 

"Oh so the smirk on your face wasn't because you found this whole situation funny?" Jim spat at Dwight, pushing past the other man and forcing Dwight to fall back. 

"I think it was funny that you got jealous" Dwight offered, avoiding eye contact with Jim as he said this. "Oh yes, because it's so funny when your stupid friend flirts with you" Jim yelled, jabbing his finger into Dwight's chest for each word he said. 

Dwight lightly grabbed onto Jim's wrist, hoping that Jim wouldn't end up backhanding him. "No, you don't get to touch me" Jim said, snatching his hand away. 

"Trevor, wasn't flirting with me" Dwight attempted to say, but was met with a fierce look of displeasure on Jim's face. "He almost kissed you!" Jim shouted. Dwight sighed and looked down. 

"He was drunk and he probably will apologies tomorrow morning" Dwight said. "Why are you defending him" Jim asked, his face displaying the hurt he felt. "Jim" Dwight whispered, holding Jim's hand, that Jim luckily didn't take away. 

"I'm not. Trevor has never acted like that to me before" Dwight promised. "He kept touching you and saying he 'loved you' and then he tried to kiss you, Dwight!" Jim rebutted. "I know, but I didn't want him to kiss me and say those things" Dwight responded. 

Jim sighed, "I didn't like seeing him do those things to you" Jim admitted, resting his head on Dwight's chest. "I know, and I'm sorry about that" Dwight told him, lacing his fingers through Jim's hair. 

"If he does that again I will punch him" Jim told Dwight, bringing himself up away from Dwight's chest. Dwight chuckled, "I'll let you" Dwight promised, kissing Jim's cheek. 

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