Dwight Wants Jim Back

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This is for @The_Sucidial_Lizard. You requested Jim in Angela's position. I had a whole thing that I was writing that followed the entire timeline that Dwight and Angela had, but I just don't love how it's going, so I am still working on it. I hope you like this and it's kind of what you want, I will be writing more for your request! 

Also sorry for taking so long to update. I started university this week and I probably will be updating slowly for a while now. 

"Dwight. Dwight, no more" Jim unconvincingly pleaded, hands gripping onto Dwight's jacket as he reciprocated the heady kisses being pressed all over his lips and jaw.

"Come on monkey" Dwight replied, smirking against Jim's lips as he felt the other man rut against him, despite them already having a previous encounter minutes before.

"No, Dwight, I can't" Jim finally pulled away, frantically pressing his hair and starting at his rumpled clothes in contempt. "Jim" Dwight silently grumbled. Frowning as he watched Jim try to erase away the evidence of what they had just done. Had been doing for months.

"This isn't right" Jim muttered, speaking the same words he had often reiterated to Dwight and his own mind, but it was a simple tugging on his lips, broad shoulders keeping him steady, that put those thoughts at bay. His only focus on the man in front of him, enticing him to commit the same sin over and over again, with the same stab of guilt over and over again. 

"I have a fiancé Dwight" Jim said to him, turning around and exiting the warehouse area they inhabited. "I know that" Dwight responded, reaching forward to grasp Jim's shoulder before he could flee and not address their love as he always did. Jim  turned back around to look at the man, frowning at the hand that remained on his shoulder. 

"I love you and you love me, leave him" Dwight asked, the same plea he had whispered against Jim's skin as they lay tangled in crisp, white sheets. The same words he yelled at Jim, before being pushed against a wall and fucked until he was boneless. The same words he said calling after Jim, each time he left Dwight, broken and craving. 

"I'm engaged and I like him very much" Jim responded, eyes watering as he lied to the man in front of him, and betrayed the other man he had promised to love. "Andy isn't enough for you Jim" Dwight begged, hoping that he was conveying all the hurt and love he had for Jim when he spoke. 

Saying the words 'I know' and admitting his love bubbled into a desire so fierce that Jim felt his breath catch. He replied with "I'm sorry" instead, letting Dwight go, letting Dwight's expectations fall. 

"This is insanely awkward you guys, it's kind of the elephant in the room, so I'll just... no one has RSVP'd to Jim and I's wedding yet, and the deadline was yesterday" Andy announced to them, frustration ebbed over his features. Dwight stood in a predatorial stance, arms cocked into a fighting position incase it would be necessary. Jim guiltily looked at Andy and around the office, praying that no one would spill his secret to him. 

"Wait, you still don't know" came Michael's voice, disbelief causing his brows to dip. "No, no, no" Jim said, shoving Michael into his office, to avoid his secret being spilled by the world's worst secret keeper. Andy, watched shocked as his fiancé shoved Michael into the office and shut the blinds. 

"When are you going to tell him?" Michael asked Dwight, staring at him incredulously. Ever since Phyllis had announced to the entire office that Jim was having an affair with Dwight. Michael had felt the secret bubbling inside of him, threatening to spill over as soon as he saw Andy. 

"It can't come from me" Dwight replied sincerely, looking at his co-workers for support. "Then who?" Michael asked. "Jim" they all simultaneously said.

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