Drunk Jim

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"Are you drunk?" Dwight dryly asked a grinning, red faced Jim. 

"Nooo, I am Jim, are you drunk? That's a dumb name" Jim asked with a giggle. 

"Jim, it's me Dwight" Dwight said sternly, pulling the blanket down from Jim's head back to his shoulders. 

"No, I like the blanket on my head" Jim complained, falling back into the couch with a big laugh. 

Dwight rolled his eyes at the giggling mess that drunk Jim, apparently was. Dwight turned around to go get Jim some water, when he felt a tugging at his sleeve. 

"Where are you going?" Jim asked, a slight whine in his voice. "I'm getting water for you, so you can be less drunk" Dwight stated to Jim, tugging his sleeve away from him. 

Jim gave a pout, but was drunkingly distracted  by the blanket falling off his shoulders. Dwight left him, busying himself in getting Jim water and some snacks. 

"Here, drink this" Dwight said, offering the cup to Jim. Jim looked at Dwight, seemingly unable to process his words. 

Dwight rolled his eyes and gave a frustrated sigh. "Here idiot" Dwight said, tilting Jim's chin up and rubbing his thumb over Jim's lips so that they would open so he could drink. 

Jim's face reddened as he looked steadily into Dwight's eyes and drank from the cup. Dwight wiped a drop of water that had spilled from Jim's lips, his hands lingering on Jim's face. 

Jim let out a little cough when Dwight removed his hand from his face. He felt embarrassed by how much he enjoyed the almost tender touch Dwight had touched him with. 

"You should sleep" Dwight said, breaking the silence that had followed. "Yeah" Jim replied, feeling a little more sober. 

"You can stay with me until I fall asleep" Jim offered, hoping he didn't sound as hopeful as he was feeling. 

"I can do that" Dwight replied, settling himself onto the couch. 

Jim spread the blanket, unsure where he should lay himself. "You can put your head on my lap" Dwight told him. 

Jim nodded, settling comfortably into the couch, his head on Dwight's lap. Jim's eyes shut, his body relaxing into the couch and sleep slowly coming to him. 

He felt Dwight run his hands softly through his hair, a contented smile on his face as he fell asleep. 

Jim x Dwight One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now