The Plan To Date Dwight Part 2

978 39 17

"You okay?" Pam asked Jim, squeezing his hand in a comforting gesture. "Yeah, you?" Jim said, squeezing her hand back and taking a deep breath of air. Pam nodded and smiled at him once more, before opening the door to the office. 

In seconds it felt like everyone had turned around to look at them holding hands and giggling as they walked in. "Pretend to laugh at something I said" Pam said, elbowing Jim as they hung their coats up. "Wh-okay" Jim said, starting to laugh, a hint of panic in his eyes. 

"When did this happen?" Oscar asked, looking between their joined hands. Pam giggled and Jim gave a bashful smile. "It just kind of happened" Jim said, shrugging. Pam nodded and smiled over to the everyone else in the office, looking over at Dwight specifically.

He had already been seated at his desk and was shuffling through his papers before the interruption. His shuffling of papers seized when he heard the conversation between Oscar and the new couple that had just apparently gotten together. He tried to ignore them, his eyebrows and mouth curved down in a frown. 

"Hey Dwight" Jim said, feigning happiness, even though he was exhausted from hours of going over the plan with Pam on how to act like a couple and how best to get Dwight to react. Dwight looked up, a deadpan expression on his face, before looking back down at his work and taking a deep breath. 

The rest of the day was spent with Jim and Pam flirting in ear shot of Dwight and giggling together any opportunity they could get. Dwight slammed the door to the bathroom particularly hard when he saw Pam and Jim with their heads together talking. "God their being so gross together" Dwight thought, rolling his eyes as he looked at himself in the mirror. 

. . . . . . . . 

"Hey Dwight, do you need help with that fax?" Pam asked, a week after her and Jim had started to fake date. Dwight slammed the cover down and stomped over to his desk. "Okay then" Pam said, smiling internally to herself. 

"Hey Jim, wanna come with me to get a drink?" Pam asked Jim, sitting on his desk as he looked up at her. "Sure Pam" Jim said, as loudly as possible so that Dwight could hear them. If the other man did he didn't give any indication, except for a slight twitch in his jaw that Pam noticed. 

"So Dwight has been super snappy to me this past week" Pam said with a bright smile on her face. Jim looked at her expectedly, "he likes you. No way he doesn't. Why would he be mad about us if he didn't like you?" Pam said, excitedly. Jim looked at her hesitantly. "Are you sure?" he asked, his eyebrows creased. "Yes! So to make sure I'm going to tell him we broke up and see how he reacts and then you're in" Pam said, grabbing onto Jim's hands. Jim looked at her gratefully, "thank you Pam. Honestly I can't thank you enough." "You can buy me those dish towels I like so much" Pam said, her eyes lighting up. Jim laughed, "okay it's a deal" he said, smiling. 

. . . . . . . .

"Hey Dwight" Pam said, trying to make her voice seem as sad as possible. "What's wrong with you?" Jim not kiss you enough times before he left your desk?" Dwight asked, a scowl on his face as he scanned his papers. Pam smirked to herself, before turning her expression into a heartbroken frown. "You didn't hear? Jim and I broke up" she said, making her voice crack at the end. 

Dwight's eyes became wide, "are you okay?" he asked, moving to place a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Do you need me to punch him in the face?" he asked, a serious expression on his face. "No Dwight, thank you, but it's okay. It was for the best" she told him smiling at him. Dwight nodded, but didn't remove his hand from her shoulder. "You'll tell me if you need anything right?" he asked, still frowning. "Of course" Pam said, smiling at her friend. "I missed you. It's been a long month since you've talked with me" Pam said, pursing her lips. Dwight looked at her guilty, "I'm sorry about that." He scrambled to come up with a lie that would explain his behavior, but she smiled at him and patted his shoulder, "It's okay" she replied. He nodded and smiled at her again, before walking back to his desk. 

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