Vampire Costume

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Hey, hope you are all doing well. Sorry for lots of smut lately, I had a bunch of requests for it, so I'm trying to fulfill those. I think I just have one more that is pure smut and then we will return to scheduled programming lol. This is a mix of both fluff and some smut at the end, hope everyone enjoys this. Please tell me your fall prompts for these two because I am so ready to write them!<3

"Dwight, hurry up" Jim called out, glancing at his watch as he called for his husband. "Hold on" Dwight called out, except his voice was muffled from something in his mouth? Jim wondered, as he squinted at the stairs and waited for Dwight to grace them. 

Dwight had told him, his costume was to be a surprise, so Jim had patiently (okay fine, impatiently) waited for Halloween day to see what his husband had been hiding from him. 

Jim couldn't help but let out a giggle when he saw Dwight all decked out in white makeup and a hideous hairline, with a cape to top the look off. "Wow" Jim said, pursing his lips so that he could control his giggles. 

"Good, right?" Dwight proudly asked, when he made it to the bottom of the stairs, giving Jim a full twirl to show his costume off. "Yeah" Jim replied giving Dwight an adoring look as he watched him fidget with the cape. 

"Yeah?" Dwight brightly asked again, eyes lifting up as he looked at Jim. "Yeah" Jim confirmed, giving Dwight a peck on his 'bloodstained' lips. "Going to get best costume in the office" Jim murmured against Dwight's lips, unable to stop himself from licking Dwight's lips and matting some of the makeup off. 

"You're going to rub it all off" Dwight halfheartedly complained, playfully swatting Jim away. Jim just shrugged at Dwight, gasping when his ass was swatted with the cape . "Oh, not fair at all Dwight" Jim yelled, a laugh leaving his lips as he looked at Dwight. 

"You're the one who won't dress up. You could've been a superhero or a gladiator and had adequate protection" Dwight told him, putting his hands up when Jim began to barrage him with tickles. 

"Hah, stop" Dwight yelped, gasping in his husbands arms. "We're going to be late" he added, hoping that Jim would let him go. "Okay, I'll stop, ONLY because we might be late for work" Jim teased, kissing the spot above Dwight's brow. 

Dwight only rolled his eyes, playfully biting Jim's lip. Jim let out a gasp of air, "you're starting something you shouldn't" Jim whispered. Dwight only smirked against his lips, "you'll just have to wait." Jim let out a groan, hoping the day would go by as quickly as he hoped. 

"Dwight" Jim moaned, gripping tightly onto Dwight's cloak as the other thrusted into him. Dwight playfully nipped at Jim's jaw, fake vampire teeth dragging across Jim's neck. 

"Oh god" Jim gasped, "i'm so glad I made you keep those on" Jim groaned, as Dwight tightened his hold onto his hips and bit on his neck simultaneously. 

"I guess I'll have to be a vampire every year then" Dwight grunted, aiming another thrust into Jim's prostate, dragging his cock into the tight heat of Jim's hole. Jim moaned and captured Dwight's lips with his own, "guess so." 

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