Traveling Salesmen

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For the amazing, incredibly patient zodiac_sign_z, who requested this. You have been amazing and so understanding, and I am so sorry it took so long to get this out, but I hope that you enjoy it<3333 

Jim tapped his fingers against the conference table, eyes shifting to the door and shifting quickly back to Michael so that no one would be suspicious, but from the look on Karen's face he wasn't being as sneaky as he thought he was being. 

Jim held in the sigh of relief he felt when he finally saw Dwight enter the doorway, giving a disgruntled look when he saw the only open seat was next to Jim. 

"Hey Dwight, pass the tardy sauce" came Andy's condescending voice, looking for reassurance from Michael. 

Dwight huffed, but ignored him. Jim cast a sideways glance to the other man, noting how out of it Dwight seemed today. 

"Okay so here's the dream team" Michael said, with Phillis blowing her nose next to him, Stanley doing his crossword, Ryan timidly sitting in-between them, and Jim just wanting to leave and get whatever this was going to be over with. 

"Today we are going to team up for sales calls" Michael said excitedly. Jim felt his stomach drop and head begin to pound with a coming headache. Karen gave him a small, miserable smile. Dwight tilted his head back, doing his best to not roll his eyes and gag as Andy laid it thick with the praises for Michael. 

He glared heavily at Andy, looking in disbelief as Michael accepted Andy's request to be partners. 

Jim felt his hopes drift away even more so when Phyllis chose Karen, but was sure Stanley would probably choose him. 

And nope. He chose Ryan. Great. 

"So that just leaves Dwight and Jim" Michael said, saying out loud the words that would give Dwight and Jim nightmares. 

"Okay, wait; does anyone want to trade?" Dwight asked, looking around.

"Yeah, I'll trade" Jim replied. 

"Dwight and I used to go on sales calls all the time" Jim said, holding up the picture of them from their first sales call. "Oh, young Jim. There's just so much I need to warn you about. And yet, tragically, I cannot. And instead I am going to be stuck having a not so great time with someone who I like, but he thinks I hate him, and as of right now that's the only impression I have given him" Jim said with a fake grin, face quickly settling into a dismal frown. 

"Going on a sales call with Jim is not ideal" Dwight frankly said to the camera. "Why?" Dwight puffed, "well number one he's an idiot, number two I have a huge crush on him, and number three he's useless" Dwight responded. 

"All right, everybody, circle up" Michael called out. 

"This is the Amazing Race" Michael said. "And you guys are the retired marines. And you guys are the mother/daughter. And you guys are the gay couple. And we are the firefighter heroes" Michael said continuing on his tangent. 

Jim raised his brows to the cameras, stuffing his hands into his coat and rocking on the balls of his feet, as he shifted awkwardly trying to not look at Dwight after what Michael had just said. 

Dwight glanced at Jim, before hurriedly looking back down, his cheeks reddening. 

This was going to be a long, awful, awkward terrible day, they both thought. 

"Seriously you're gonna sit in the back?" Jim asked in disbelief, rolling his eyes and smiling fondly when listening to Dwight's dumb explanation and seeing the annoyed look he got in return when he smashed the brakes. 

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