I Hate You

675 23 6

Inspired by this prompt: 

Dwight: *being mad and stuff*
Jim, already pulling out a ring: God you're so fucking stupid 

. . . . . . . . . . 

"Dammit Jim. You can't keep using the same prank over and over and putting my stuff in Jello!" Dwight ranted at Jim, looking at him with a furious expression. Dwight continued for a while, yelling at Jim and telling him to grow up all while glaring at him and putting his hands on his hips. 

"God you're so stupid Dwight" Jim said with a smile on his face as he reached into his pocket. "What? I'm stupid? No you are stupid" Dwight yelled, his fury returning to a new crescendo. Jim just kept smiling and looking at Dwight with adoration. 

"Yell back at me Jim!" Dwight said, glaring at Jim for not even responding to his threats and anger. "Dwight Schrute, I love you so much and it would make me the happiest man in the world if you were my husband" Jim said, smiling up at Dwight as he got onto one knee. 

Dwight stared at Jim with wide eyes. "Wh-what Jim, what is this?" Dwight asked. "It's a proposal Dwight" Jim said with a nervous smile. "You put my stuff in Jello" Dwight said with his brows furrowed. Jim nodded, "yes I did do that" Jim acknowledged. 

Dwight kept looking back and fourth between Jim and his stapler that was buried in Jello. " I hate you so much and yes I'll marry you" Dwight said with a glare to Jim. Jim's face brightened up and he let out a chuckle as he slid the ring onto Dwight's finger. 

"I love you so much Dwight" Jim said, getting up and wrapping his arms around Dwight's neck and kissing him. "I love you too" Dwight said against Jim's lips as he kissed him back. The rest of the office clapped and congratulated Jim and Dwight for their engagement. 

Jim x Dwight One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now