Sharing A Bed and Huddling For Warmth

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"Three rooms for Michael Scott" Michael said, slamming his hand on the counter and alerting the woman at the front desk of his presence. She scrolled through the computer a slight frown on her face. "So we found two of the rooms that you requested Mr. Scott, but not the third one" she told him. Michael frowned, "I specifically remember booking three rooms" Michael argued. "I'm sorry sir, but we only can find two of your rooms and we are all booked." Michael sighed, but agreed. "Alright we'll take it" Michael said, grabbing the keys and making his way to Jim and Dwight who were standing off to the side. 

While they waited for Michael to get the keys to their room, Jim looked and surveyed the hotel, while Dwight closely looked at a map. Jim would occasionally look over to Dwight and flick the map, causing Dwight to huff and squirm in annoyance.

"Okay so bad news guys. There is only two rooms and they are all booked so we can't get a third one" Michael said, a grimace on his face. "What?!" both Jim and Dwight asked at the same time. Dwight's brows were crossed in anger and Jim's face was in shock. 

"One for me and one for you guys to share" Michael said, looking not as apologetic as he should be considering he was the one who forgot to book a third room. "What? No Michael, no. I'll stay with you" Dwight argued. Michael frowned and shook his head "no, I'm the boss. You and Jim are sharing. No debates okay, I need to be prepared for the conference tomorrow and you're ruining my peace Dwight" Michael said, signaling the end to the argument. 

Jim stood there in shock. Of course this was happening. He'd be stuck with his enemy for two nights at a dumb conference he didn't even want to go to, but was forced to come to by Michael.

The two men bitterly made their way into their shared hotel room. "Okay let's make this clear. Right side is mine and pillows will be in-between us and you can't come to my side or I'll throw you off the bed. Got it?" Dwight strictly stated. "Fine by me" Jim replied bitterly, looking up at the ceiling in annoyance. "Good" Dwight nodded, before making his way to the bathroom and getting ready for the night.

Jim let out another despairing sigh, before grabbing his suitcase and unpacking his toiletries and pajamas. He waited impatiently for Dwight to get out of the bathroom, so he could just brush his teeth and shut his eyes and pretend this all never happened. 

Both men finished preparing for bed, Jim in his flannel pajamas and a long sleeve grey shirt and Dwight in a Battlestar Galactica sweatshirt and pajama pants. Jim shivered as he walked over to his side of the bed. "Dwight did you put the air conditioning on?" he asked, a frown on his face. "No" Dwight huffed, "I'm not an idiot" he said, but made his way to the thermostat to double check. "It's on heat. It's as high as it can go" Dwight said, looking over his shoulder to address Jim. 

Jim looked at Dwight disbelievingly, his skin was covered in goosebumps and he kept shivering. "Look at it yourself if you don't believe me idiot" Dwight said angrily, making his way to his side of the bed and burying himself into the sheets. Jim frowned and sighed, but made his way to the thermostat and sure enough it was on heat. How could it be so cold if the heat was on? he wondered, as he trudged to the bed, noting how Dwight had already placed a barrier of pillows between their sides of the bed.

Jim got into the bed, the cold covers causing him to shiver even more. He reached over to shut off the lights and whispered a "goodnight" to Dwight. Dwight muttered a "night" back, and shifted his body so that his back was facing Jim's face. Jim let out another sigh, before laying flat on his back. 

After 30 minutes of rolling around despite being exhausted, Jim gave up on trying to sleep. His toes felt like ice cubes and his body was in a constant state of cold. "Dwight are you up?"Jim whispered. He got no response, but there was no way Dwight had already fallen asleep. Jim reached across the pillow border and poked Dwight's shoulder. "Dwight" he whispered again.

"What?" Dwight asked curtly. "Are you not freezing?" Jim asked, his teeth chattering as he spoke. Dwight wanted to say no and call Jim an idiot for bothering him as he tried to sleep, but he couldn't deny how cold he was. He was curled up in a ball and he was shivering slightly. 

Dwight let out a sigh before mumbling a "yes I am." Jim reached over and took the pillows separating them and threw them over his shoulder. He moved his body closer toward Dwight. "What are you doing?" Dwight sputtered, recoiling from Jim and moving closer to the edge of the bed. Jim lifted his body up and looked at Dwight, "it's freezing and I don't think us being apart is going to help when we've both frozen to death." 

"You're so dramatic Jim, just go to sleep" Dwight said in annoyance. "What do you think I'm trying to do Dwight? It's cold and I can't sleep, so if we just huddled together then we wouldn't be cold and we can both sleep and pretend this never happened okay?" Jim asked, looking into Dwight's eyes. 

Dwight contemplated his options. Jim was right as much as he hated to admit it. It was too cold to sleep and they did need to be well rested, plus guys in the army always huddled for warmth. This would be no different. Dwight nodded and agreed. "Thank you" Jim said, glad he had convinced Dwight of doing things his way.

Dwight shifted his way from the edge of the bed and slowly made his way towards the center of the bed. Jim and Dwight lay side by side, their breathing slow and calculated. Dwight started to nod off before Jim, the warmth from the other man causing him to drift into sleep. Jim lay awake a little longer, still trying to find a position to settle in. He shifted his body and moved Dwight so that Dwight's back and head were laying on his chest. 

As Jim started to slowly fall asleep he noted how Dwight, who was normally rough in his attitude and touches, was warm and pliant in his sleep. He lay his head back further into Jim's chest and after a couple minutes he turned his head so that it was snuggled into Jim's neck. Jim smiled at the top of Dwight's head and unconsciously buried his nose into Dwight's hair, his lips leaving a ghost of a kiss on top of his head. He rubbed Dwight's back before drifting to sleep himself. 

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