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For emilyramsey1445598, thanks for the request. 

"When were you going to tell me?"

"I-- Roy..."

"Come on Jim, what the hell when were you going to tell me that you used to fucking date Dwight?" Roy asked again, defeat quickly coming over him as he looked hopelessly at the other man in front of him.

"I wanted a clean start from him" Jim said, his head bowed as his eyes brimmed with tears.

"So what Jim, I was just going to never know about it?" Roy asked, frowning at Jim.

"Don't fucking cry Jim. Tell me the fucking truth"

"I'm sorry okay. I'm sorry. I don't know what else you want me to say" Jims said, throwing his hands up.

"I'm sorry" he repeated, voice cracking as he looked into Roy's face.

"Yeah well sorry won't make up for the fact you never told me about you and Dwight" Roy said, turning away from Jim and walking back into the warehouse.

Jim watched as Roy left. Heart clenching and lungs burning as he tried to get air back into his lungs.

"Why didn't you just tell him?" Pam asked, rubbing Jim's back as his tears periodically fell.

"I didn't want him to think he was just a rebound after Dwight and I broke up. I just fell in love so quickly with Roy and I didn't want to ruin it" Jim said, wiping his red rimmed eyes.

Pam sighed. "Roy's hard to delegate with, but you can always try" Pam told him. Jim nodded, the hopeless feeling settling over him once again.

"Roy, come on" Jim said.

"No Jim. I don't want to talk" Roy said, moving around Jim and trying to exit the break room.

Jim grabbed onto Roy's arm, pulling him back into the room.

"Roy please. Let me speak and then you can never talk to me again if you want. Just listen to me okay?" Jim pleaded.

Roy stiffly nodded, nodding his head to let Jim continue.

"Dwight and I were together, for a really long time, and I thought he was the one, but we just fell apart. I wasn't expecting to fall in love with you so quickly after him and I broke up. That's why I didn't tell you. I didn't want you to think that you were just a rebound, because Roy you're so much more than that to me" Jim said, hastily wiping a tear from his eye.

"And I get it if you never want to talk to me again, I just needed you to know once. I-I'll go then" Jim said, turning his body away from Roy.

"Jim, wait" Roy said, holding his arm out to stop Jim.

"You should've told me and it'll take time for us to get back to where we were, but Jim you mean the world to me as well" Roy told him, wiping Jim's eyes with a soft touch, that had Jim leaning into him.

Jim nodded, letting out a shaky laugh. "Thank you" Jim whispered, settling his face into Roy's broad shoulders, his arms encasing Jim and warming him. 

Jim x Dwight One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now