First Day Of Work (Part 3)

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Part 3:

"Are you excited for your first day?" Dwight asked, sitting on Jim's bed and watching Jim tying his tie. "Yeah, actually I am" Jim replied, smiling at Dwight through the mirror he was looking at. Dwight smiled back, drumming his fingers on the edge of the bed. 

"Jim and Dwight come down" Betsy called. Jim looked at his reflection one more time, before turning towards Dwight and waiting for him to get up. Dwight got up from the bed, grabbing his suit jacket from the bed and walking out with Jim.

The two got caught in the doorway, when both tried to go through the door. Dwight sighed and Jim chuckled, "you're not going to try and shove me to get through the door first?" Jim asked, looking at Dwight. "I'm too nervous to fight with you" Dwight responded, looking up at Jim. "It's my first day, not yours" Jim replied, bumping his shoulder gently against Dwight's. Dwight laughed and looked down. "I know that, I'm nervous for you" Dwight said. 

Jim laughed again and smiled, turning his body to fully face Dwight's. "You don't think I'll make a good impression?" Jim asked, getting close to Dwight's face. Dwight looked up at Jim and twisted his mouth, "you are messy, pull too many pranks, and don't always work hard. So maybe" he replied, trying to hide his smirk. "Oh wow Dwight, brutally honest as always" Jim said, clutching his heart. Dwight rolled his eyes, pushing Jim gently. Jim looked up and smiled at him, putting his hand on the small of Dwight's back and leading him out of the room. Dwight turned around and smiled at Jim, before turning around and making his way down the stairs.

Jim smiled to himself as he caught up with Dwight, crashing into him when he stopped at the end of the staircase. "Dwight" he yelped. Dwight turned around and looked up at Jim, "sorry" he said, not looking apologetic at all. Jim hid his smirk and reached over to start tickling Dwight. 

"Jim" Dwight yelped, trying to get out of Jim's reach. "Dwight" Jim replied, smirking fully as he pushed Dwight against the wall and continued his barrage of tickles. "Stop" Dwight pleaded, out of breath. Jim continued, before he heard a cough to the side of him. 

Jim separated from Dwight, a sheepish expression on his face. "Mom" he said, his voice sounding embarrassed. Dwight was still against the wall, his face slightly pink and his shirt a little crinkled. Jim's mom looked between them, before telling them breakfast was ready, pursing her lips to hide her smirk. "Thanks Mrs. Halpert" Dwight said, moving so that he was now shoulder to shoulder with Jim. 

Betsy nodded, before making her way into the kitchen. Jim let out an awkward chuckle, pushing his hair back and rubbing the back of his neck. Dwight laughed too, bumping his shoulder with Jim's. "Let's go and eat, we have to get to work early" Dwight said, grabbing Jim by the forearm and dragging him to the kitchen. 

Jim let himself be led to the kitchen. The two quickly ate, and soon enough it was 8:40 and Dwight was pulling him out of his chair and telling him to get his jacket on. "Don't leave yet. I need to take a picture" Betsy said, dragging Jim to stand next to Dwight. The two smiled at the camera, Jim turned his head to look at Dwight when he felt Dwight tap him on his back. Jim smiled at Dwight as he looked at him, Betsy capturing the moment on camera. 

"Make them do a prom pose" Larissa, unhelpfully told her mom, as she looked at her brother about to leave for the first day of work for his first job since graduating from college. Jim stuck his tongue out at her, his mom giving him a disappointed look when she saw this. 

Dwight continued to be antsy, shooting Jim a look that it was time to leave. "Alright I think my tie is straight as it can be" Jim told his mom who was fussing over him. Dwight and Jim bid his family goodbye, making their way into Dwight's red car. 

"You ready to go in?" Dwight asked, taking a deep breath. "Yeah I am" Jim told Dwight, looking over at him. Dwight nodded, still clutching his steering wheel. "Hey I'll be fine Dwight. And I'm working with you, nothing can go wrong" Jim reassured Dwight, chuckling at the fact he was comforting Dwight on his first day of work.

Dwight nodded and patted Jim's hand. "Let's go then" Dwight said, getting out of the car. Jim took a deep breath, before opening his car door and getting out as well. 

The two entered the building that Jim had only been in once for his interview. He had seen the outside plenty of times when he had to pick Dwight or would surprise Dwight for lunch, but he had never been this nervous to see the building. He sighed, thanking Dwight for opening the door for him. 

A curly haired receptionist looked up and greeted them, but was interrupted when Michael ran out of his office. "Jim Halpert" he yelled, alerting the office immediately of the new member of their office. "Welcome, welcome" Michael said, "thank you" Jim replied, reaching forward to shake Michael's hand. 

"I see you have met Dwight and our lovely Pamela" Michael said, pointing at the receptionist. She smiled at him, looking back up at Michael to see what he was going to do or say next. "I actually have known Dwight since I was a baby" Jim said chuckling, hanging his coat up. "Oh you poor thing" Michael said, wincing when he heard that Jim had known Dwight for his whole life. "What? no" Jim started to say, but was cut off by Michael who had grabbed him and was taking him around the office. 

Dwight stayed back, reading the ticket that Pam had given him, trying to not be disappointed about what Michael said. Pam gave Dwight a small smile, which he returned, making his way to his desk. "You can sit here, next to Dwight" Michael said. "That would be great" Jim said, smiling at Dwight as he sat down and started to settle in. 

Dwight smiled back at him, before starting his own work. He was happy that Michael seemed to be liking Jim a lot, maybe even more then him, he thought bitterly. But he tried to not let his thoughts get too bitter. Jim had always been charming, instantly gaining the trust of people and making them love him, so it was no surprise Michael had taken a liking to him. 

He was happy for Jim, he really was and he had his best friend next to him and a great sales job as the top sales person, so he was happy. 

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