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"Okay guys conference room meeting right now" Michael yelled, his tone sounding panicked and alerting the already confused employees. Everyone made their way into the conference room, hoping for some direction and plans for the future.

The news had been plagued with the coronavirus and just last night the NBA season had been cancelled and two players had been diagnosed with the virus. Within twenty-four hours the East and West Coast were starting to shut down. 

The Dunder Mifflin employers constantly checked their phones and computers looking for the latest updates on the virus and the latest closings of schools and shops. They were anxious to find out whether they would be coming into work the next day or the next week and whether they would be getting payed.

"Okay so you guys have seen the news and how the virus is spreading" Michael began the conference meeting right away with this statement and then rushed into a bunch of rambling sentences. Pam looked at Michael with concern, "Michael" she interrupted him, "what are we here for?" she asked, hoping he would refocus on what the meeting was meant for.

"Right, thank you Pam. David Wallace called and he wanted to tell you guys that Dunder Mifflin will be closed indefinitely, until the state sees fit to have non-essential business's open. Until then you will be all working from home" Michael concluded, he bit his lip anxiously.

"Will we get payed Michael?" Phyllis asked, her face like the other employees was filled with concern. Michael nodded, "yes we will all be payed." A collective sigh of relief filled the room and everyone felt more at ease. "There's no point staying in this germ factory so we can leave early" Michael concluded, clapping his hands. Stanley glared at Michael when he said "germ factory" but smiled in glee at the promise of leaving early. He was the first to speed his way out of the meeting and pat Michael on the shoulder and wave everyone goodbye. 

Everyone slowly started to trickle out, heading to their desks to collect everything they would need for two or more weeks of working at home. As Jim collected his folders and put them in his messenger bag he looked up at Dwight who looked calmer then everyone in the office. 

"Dwight you ready for a pandemic?" Jim jokingly asked. Dwight smiled an almost giddy smile. He took a deep breath before saying "I have a bunker packed with food and everything one would need to survive the apocalypse and I am ready to survive anything the world has to throw at me, while you all suffer" Dwight said. Jim raised his eyebrows, "wow not sadistic at all Dwight."

Dwight frowned, "it is meant to be sadistic Jim" he said vehemently. Jim furrowed his brows and pretended to have a thoughtful expression on his face, "hmm is it?" he asked, putting his chin in his hand and tapping his finger against his cheek. Dwight widened his eyes in annoyance, before huffing and stuffing things back into his back. "I hope you get the virus first" Dwight said, scowling at Jim. "Aw Dwight that's not nice" Jim said, a smirk on his face. Dwight rolled his eyes and slammed his drawer shut, before getting up and making his way to Michael's office to say "goodbye." 

Jim stayed at his desk for a moment, before also shutting down his stuff and sealing his bag shut. He made small conversation with Pam and the rest of the office members that hadn't run out. Michael and Dwight made their way out of Michael's office and led the way out of the building. Jim bid Pam "goodbye" giving her a tight hug and promising to talk with her everyday. 

The beginning of quarantine started fine for Jim. He would get his work done quickly in the morning and then spend the rest of the day lounging around his house and catching up on shows he missed or talking with Pam. 

After the first week of quarantine was over Jim became bored. His stubble had turned into full out scruff and his hair had never been in more disarray. He missed the office and it's people, more importantly he missed Dwight.

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