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Skye's POV
I hate the sound of my alarm clock, I've been meaning to change the song. I force one eye open and turn around, to my surprise their wasn't my beautiful teacher.. Their was nothing but a note, that read:

I went home to get some clothes and shower, you better come to school tomorrow/today! No more ditching sweetie,
-Demi xox

I flicked my hair out of my eyes.SHIT. Everything floods my mind from last night! That disgusting alcoholic, I don't want to give him a chance, but what if he has changed? But I can't take that kind of risk I need to get my mind off of this. Ugh. I get my main present off of my mum today... I keep wondering what it is.. But nothing springs to mind. I may aswell get out of bed since its 6:20, ugh!!
My phone starts vibrating like crazy, I may as well answer.
"Whwaxt?" I was brushing my teeth I can't help it! I always brush after I've showered.
"Hey, I just wanted to know if you needed a ride?" Ohh its Caitlin.
I spat out my tooth paste and rinsed.
"Yeah, that would be great...meet you outside in..10?" I walked out of the bathroom, and put together an outfit, ripped black skinny jeans, a white baggy top, red converse and a red beanie perfect, I sat on my bed and straighten my hair. Suddenly I heard my mum yelling from down stairs so I quickly throw on the clothes I picked and headed down stairs, each one giving off of the worse creek you've ever heard, why am I so nervous!

"Oh hey honey, the delivery guy came with your present and Caitlin's here, she just pulled up!" I kiss my mums cheek and grab a piece of toast.
"Where is it mum? I'm so excited I love you so much!" She motioned for me to follow her out of the door, my jaw dropped there stood the best present EVER. It's was a beautiful blue 2011 Mazda 3! It's so amazing.
I see Demi waking towards her car in 7 inch heels. Seriously...That woman.

"This car, is my life!"
"What about food, wifi and Netflix?" I hear Caitlin and Jenna giggled as they made the list.

"WAIT, FUCK!" I turn around and literally dive on my mum for a hug.

"SWEARING!" I start kissing her cheek. My mum does everything for me especially when, my da- I can't do this... I'll put on a brave face it'll be okay.
"That's enough Jesus." She laughs and Demi drives off, winking before she leaves. It's going to be so hard to contain myself, I literally just want to rip her clothes off. Did I just think that.... Oops!
We're finally at this dumb school, correction prison, I can't get my so called 'dad' out of mind. I have history next with Miss Fucking Lovato... Ugh. I hate this, like you can tell I'm eye fucking her, I'm just going to admit it. I'll shout it from the roof tops. It sucks knowning we can't kiss.. Or hug.. Or you get the picture but I can't do nothing, but stare it's basically like that crush I had on Zac Efron, he's just there on my wall mocking me. I arrive at Demi's classroom, God it even smells like her! Why cruel world!
Why do I turn up late, 7 fucking minutes. I turn the handle and walk inside, do you know what I haven't missed this school at all.
"You're late!" I heard her stop what she was doing, she gave me that look.. The disappointed one, I get it when I get my report card, and I give that look to my computer when the wifi runs out.
Yeah, well I don't give a flying fuck....Did I just say that aloud... Shit!!
"I don't like your language Miss Johnson! I don't want that type of backchat in my classroom!" She began typing angrily on the keyboard.
"I don't exactly want to fucking be here, so I'll take that as my excuse to leave. Bye Miss." I slammed the door, letting my beat up shoes hit the floor. What am I doing... I love her.. And I'm fucking ruining it because I'm scared to face my dad.. What am I going to do.
Ugh life's so hard, one minute your in the fast lane having fun, next minute your like a pigeon on a window.
20+ votes for the next chapter sorry it took so long :)

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