The party

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As soon as I got to to the party, I drank. I'm abit tipsy now, I tried looking for Caitlin but I just couldn't, the loud music banging in my ears didn't help at all so I decided it was time to go home. I'd only been here for like an hour and a half. Anyways. I started walking home.. I should just go to my house and forget Demi's offer, I would get hell though anyways it's like 1am and I'm just stood outside Demi's house. I knock before she emerges in a hot night dress.. Damn!

"You look terrible." she said looking concerned.

"I knew I looked ugly, but not t-t-terrible!"I looked down and frowned.

"No I didn't mean it like that.. I just mean you look drunk.. And a little hig-"She steadies me by the waist and helps me on the couch.
"Dems, I was kidding." I kept giggling and I don't know why, she began to walk away.
"Don't l-leave.." I don't know why I said that anyways least tomorrow's t-Tuesday.. Oh fuck.

I began to drift off.. My vision went blank.

Demi's P.O.V
I'm Demi... And I have a cute 17 year old sleeping on my couch. Sounds wrong I know considering she's my student! If anyone finds out I'm done. It's almost 6 so I better wake up Skye. I rush down stairs to the still sleeping Skye, and start slowly shaking her.

"Skye honey wake up.." Her eyes start moving and she slowly wakes up from her slumber, her eyes wide.

"Oh god..I didn't do anything did I?" She looked at me worried..

"I don't know you went to some party.. And I didn't want you to get told off by your mom so I said you could stay here.." I offer a friendly smile.

"Oh.. God I didn't tell my mum..." She looked so cute when she's worried.
"You should climb up to that bedroom window of yours and get back in bed, before your mom finds out.." And with that she's up and almost out the door I walk out after her.

She begins climbing up the house when I see her underwear.. I have to admit it I did blush.. She wasn't even looking at me its all fine! Skye finally reaches the top of her window and sits on the ledge.

"Hey Demi, thanks for letting me crash at yours, I'll see you in class first peri-" She then fell backwards into her house.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?" I asked concerned.
"Im okay, I've hurt my hand though." she replied.
"Oh, I would kiss it better but your too far!" What's gotten into me?
I decided to head  inside the house and gather my things for my classes, I have exactly 2 hours, so I take a  shower. This is going to be a long day!
I don't know if any of you guys like this fanfic or not.... Let me know in the comments! Don't forget to favourite/follow me or whatever.

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