Starbucks and scars.

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Skye's P.O.V
We arrived at Starbucks we took Demi's car actually, we have so much in common, she likes most bands I listen to, and we both agree that Zac Efron is hot, but she did mention something about Selena Gomez being so pretty. I could be in after all.

I put on my apron and stand at the till.
"What would you want Dems?"she smiles.

"Dems aye? And.. Hm.. Hot chocolate I suppose?"I quickly get to work.
I pour the milk into the metal heater.
"Coming right up!" I try and sound so excited, no ones really here because it's 3:40 the rush normally starts at 4.
She giggles before speaking, "thank you!" She sits on the chair by the desk.

"No probl-" I let out a sigh.

"SKYE! BABY!" Oh no... I know that voice. Melanie has a crush on me.. I don't know how to take that.. So I push her away.

"Hi." I look away and pour Demi's drink.

"I've missed you." I raised an eyebrow.

"I had you an hour ago.." She giggles.
"I always miss you" God. Demi's just there looking down at her Starbucks smiling at the bubbles, you'd think she acts 12 not 21.

"Yeah cool." I begin laughing at Demi.

"Hey Miss Lovato" Melanie glances in her direction. Demi gives her a friendly wave.

"Well I'd like to order Skye." Normally I would say that's not my problem it kinda is.

"Oh.. What would you like?" I sounded bitchy but I don't really care right now.

"I would like an.. East-blast coca please beautiful." I didn't even smile at her complement, I just look at Demi, she's so beautiful the way the screen light from her phone deflects off her eyes, it's Amazing.

"Okay." I begin pouring it up.

"What would you like wrote on the cup.."I look up and she her grin, she's happy.. About what.

"Maybe, I was thinking o-of y-your number?" Oh geez.

"I don't know my number off by heart, and my phone is in my locker." I give Melanie her drink and Right then and there my knight in shining armour saves me.

"SKYE!" It's Maddie I've never been so happy.

"COMING!" Demi just looks at me puzzled. I give her a 'I don't know' look.

"Thankgod, she's gone." Me and Maddie both huff at the same time, which earns a giggle from Demi.

"Girl problems, Huh skye?"she raises an eyebrow.

"Melanie is one big problem." I giggle.
"Remember in English class when she sent you that flower? And you just stomped on it? I would I have thought she'd get the hints."

"Girls, can't live with them. Gosh I sounded like such a guy! EW" Demi giggles.
After a hour of me and Demi laughing at eachother for no reason, it gets pretty empty.

"Hey there!" She focuses on her cup.

"You look upset..." she fake smiles.

"I'm fine."

"Everyone has a fake smile Demi, and I can see through yours." Her smile slips off her face.

"Okay okay, my parents are coming down from Dallas."

I raise an eye brow. "And that's bad because.."

"I've barley finished unpacking, my sister is going to rub my nose in everything, she got everything I've wanted."

"What did she get that you didn't?" Thank god my shifts over in 10 minutes.

"Well she's got everything, house, a husband, and the perfect family, guess I'm just jealous." She drifts her finger around the lid of the hot chocolate cup.

"Isn't it obvious?"

"What's obvious Skye?" She finally looks up.

"She's got the perfect family, because your in there!"she laughs.

"I don't think I'm perfect, but thanks anyways." She giggles.

"Hey Skye, Tony said we can go now!" I throw my apron at her.
"Pft, about time." I take my hair in a pointy tail and let it hang freely.
"Do you want a ride home?" Demi questions.

"Yeah sure.. I mean if you want it would be no trouble if I-" Demi interrupts.

"It would be no problem." She generally smiles, and we walk out.

___IN THE CAR___

"Hey, for a 21 year old your a really bad driver."she raises an eyebrow, and let's go of the wheel. I instantly grab it and our fingers connect.

"I'm 17, I want to live!" I plead.

"I was kidding, but you can drive right?" I look down ...

"I may.. Or may not have had my license suspended for 2 months.." I laughed and blushed what's wrong with me.

"Awh that's cute, what happened?" She concentrated on the road.

"I crashed.. Into a wall.." I sound dumb.
"Awh, your okay now though?" I feel my side of my stomach.

"Yeah, just this scar..that's all..." I feel so crappy talking about this I mean.. Ugh. I don't know what I mean anymore.

"Your beautiful, don't forget it." She looked in my eyes for a couple of seconds.

"Demi ROAD!" She begins focusing on the road.

"Babe, I've totally got this."

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