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First off it's Sunday, so I'm sitting here doing homework. How I hate my life; I don't have work today.. So that's a plus. It's only 10am.. Oh I almost forgot I was in my underwear.
"I have the carnival!" I thought to myself. The carnival, is basically a tradition, it's nothing big, just the neighbourhood. I normally win a few races, I've only lived here for 3 years, I normally win the piggyback race, the running race, and 3 legged race. I'm good at running don't judge me. Anyways were practicing today at 12. Fuck! I have 2 hours. I put my pencil and homework to oneside, and stand up. Shit.
I race up the stairs to the bathroom, and take off my clothing. I let the warm relaxing water pour over me.
Finally out of the shower. Now I smell all good, probably like coconuts, mixed with strawberries.
Well it's now 11.

I decide on my grey nike tracksuit, and my black converse. I go over to my old drum kit, I've missed this, I pick up my old drum sticks. I begin pounding on the drums and making a rhyme. I best stop, when I really get going I could play forever.

So it's now 11:50 and Caitlin, Jenna, Melanie and Austin are here, we're currently by the pool, it was quite funny actually because we all played 20 questions, they were all about penguins.Random.
Austin, Melanie and Jenna went to the 'store.' So it's just me and Caitlin by the front of the house waiting on the grass.

"You know, is it ever weird having a neighbour, that's your teacher?" Caitlin asks while picking off the crusty bits of her nail varnish.

"Kinda, I mean Miss L, is kinda cool. I like her." She didn't say what type of like. I may like like my teacher. But she has a kid! She's 21!

"I don't want to fall in love Caitlin" woah? Where the fuck did that come from.

"what?" She rises an eyebrow.

"I just don't want to get broken, I see what you're doing by inviting people around here, but my heart doesn't have room for them Yanno." Okay I need to stop like what the fuck was that shit.

"Love is a big word, you don't even have to use it when you find someone." Caitlin States.

"I know it's just that I don't want to get too involved with anybody YA-" smaller arms were wrapped half across my waist.

"SKYE!!!" I knew exactly who this was. Jake Lovato.

"Jake!" I high five him, sure enough Demi trails behind Jake.

"Hey Skye sorry he just ran off like that!" She looked at me, the atmosphere was awful, and awkward, how something so small change a relationship.

"Hey Miss Lovato" Caitlin gives a friendly wave.

"Hey Miss L" I break the barrier of awkwardness like some kick ass hero.

"Who's Miss L" Jake asks innocently.

"Your mummy silly" he laughs.

"You say mommy weird." His laugh sounds just like Demi's.

"You've got mummy's laugh" I begin laughing and Demi giggles.

"So what'cha training for? Unless you're feeling lazy?" She paid attention to what I was wearing?

"Carnival, it's in 2 hours.." Caitlin looks at her phone.

"Hey Skye I'm just gunna leave YA for two minutes to plug my iPhone in." With that she starts walking inside.

"So.." Demi stands awkwardly. Jake sits next to me on the grass studying my brackets.

"Ye-" I get interrupted by the small boy.

"You have Shapes just like mommy." Oh shit my scars I should have known.WAIT DEMI HAS THEM TOO? WHO GAVE HER THE RIGHT TO BE HATED.
It's silent. Everything is silent.

"Well let's just say I love math." I know it's nothing to joke about but honestly what do you say to a 5 year old.

"Well I hope you start getting over math Skye." Oh so now she cares.

"What if math relieves the pain I feel inside." Our eyes connect.

"But you shouldn't be getting pain." She breaks away from our eye contact.

"Well, society still hates on people for being different Demi, the world still turns." She was shocked.

"Well instead of doing math, you should come over!" She kinda mad.

"I don't think that's exactly wise , after what happened last time!" I didn't shout back... I just spoke.

"I know, that was wrong, I completely get it. You don't Like me that way and I understand that, your just a minor, and I took advantage of you. It won't happen again, I'm your teacher, I won't allow it too." Her eyes looked glossy, she took the now crying Jake off of me.. The click of her heels was the only thing I could hear.


Demi's POV
HOW COULD SHE MAKE ME FEEL SO SHITTY. heart broken again Demi, well guess what everyone fucks up. I thought she was actually different. I don't understand. I love her. I actually think I'm falling for her... But this can't exactly happen. I knew she felt something. I felt everything I thought it would be, the Sparks the butterfly's it all happens because of her- there's a knock at the door. I wipe my eyes. And I open the door...Skye..

"I'm sorry" her words echoed through my house.

"I know I should-"

"No Demi, listen. I've been going through a lot of shit, especially with everything. I didn't mean to take it out on you, you've been here for me, and i just want to thank you so much, is your mum here? Because I will literally thank her right now for brining you into this world, because your beautiful. You know like I've had to wait  17 years just to finally meet and now that I have, I've made you feel like shit. The amazing Demi Lovato feels like shit, and it's because of me.. And I don't want you to feel bad, I want you to have a great time with me. I was just some troubled kid Dems, and I fuck everything up, even now. Everything's always my fault, I can completely understand if you don't want to tutor me anymore.. And throw me out of your class. You can even tell them I kissed you, if it makes you feel any better, I love the kiss, okay it felt like everything, it was the best, but just please don't blame yourself, friends?" Okay I blushed a lot, the tears are still flowing but of happiness.

"Demi say something please.."

"I think, I was just over reacting, I just get so emotional it's not your fault. I mean I can't kiss you, or have any feelings like that for haven sakes I have a child! And I'm 21!" Why did I even say that Demetria.

"If that's how you really feel..I think I should leave" She looked down at her shoes and turned around."

"No Skye, wait.. I love you!"

Life's Hard, Miss Lovato. (GxG) (TxS) (Complete) Where stories live. Discover now