The night before.

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Well, I've got nothing done, it's the day before my birthday finally 18! I can't wait, so much vodka and shit. Lately I've just been banging the fuck out of my drums, i haven't played them.. In well.. Since we moved here. Oh and did I mention I dyed my hair black, and cut it.. It's like old Bieber now, everyone loves it, especially when it covers my eyes, and when I wear beanies. I didn't know until now that I'm actually bisexual, I never knew... I had signs.. But I never followed them.
But yeah, girls have been trying to get with me, even the guys, It's like I've hit puberty for the first time or something. I look more like a guy if I'm honest, but I actually don't give a fuck.
My family's so supportive, I may have forgot about Demi.. But she's always alright and support I've guess, it's weird. Demi and I haven't really spoken that much, mostly texted. I can't go over there because Mar is over there, and Demi wanted to tell her herself but- SHIT Caitlins still here.

"Wanna go by the pool and chill?" I chuckled.
"Chill! Caitlin really?"
"Yes now come and chill before I kill." She smirked.
We're by the pool, I've been pushed in countless times by Caitlin, the white too is see through, we should start our own car wash!
I'm kidding.

"So.. How's life?" This awkward atmosphere lately is horrible, started since she got with Kevin.

"Um.. Okay, you?" She gives me a half smile.

"I'm not taking an 'okay' from my best friend without reacting what's wrong?" I meant it I love her so much.


"WELL ITS NOT MY FAULT YOU HATE ME SO MUCH!I HAVENT DONE ANYTHING TO YOU, IVE STUCK BY YOU!" I screamed. I can't take this, I hate shouting at my best friend, I love her, like a sister, she's all I could want.


"SHE KISSED ME, DONT YOU BELIEVE ME? I WOULDNT LIE TO MY BEST FRIEND, OH WAIT." I waited away. I can't, I saw Demi come out and give a smile, but I don't fucking care. Yes you do.. I fucking don't, stop lying you do.. I was just about to shut the gate and walk.

"WHAT? WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN? HE MADE THAT PRECIOUS THING THATS GROWING INSIDE YOU RIGHT NOW! THAT FUCKING PRICK. HE GOING TO GET SO MUCH COMING TO HIM!" I huffed slammed the gate and started smoking, I only smoked when I was stressed, but now I was gagging. We were just shouting across my backyard as Americans call it, I hope the neighbours didn't hear, Demi was watching from her window, she was texting now.. I bet a big essay was coming to me.
And I was right I heard a vibrate as soon as she looked up it read:
PUT THAT OUT MISS! Sorry Mar is still here, I'll tell her tonight at 00:01 as well as text you, because 18 babe! And I heard yous and Caitlins fight, I'll meet you later, sorry we have to hide, THAT MOTHER FUCKING BITCH, ILL KILL MELANIE FOR KISSING YOU! THE LIPS ARE MINE! Sorry I'm alittle mad. ANYWAY YOUR HAIR, you're so beautiful, you were before, but now your more like that hot girl next door. I love you I've rambled to you and ranted but I really mean it, I hope Caitlin has that beautiful baby boy.. I just know it's a boy. I love you babe and Jake misses you like crazy xxx

I looked up after reading it and she gave me a wink, and blew me a kiss. I decide to text back, I'm kind of jealous of Mar that's okay right? I mean no? Is it? I look to the right and see Caitlin drying herself off before heading up stairs i quickly reply.

TO Dems xx
I love you too, I understand Mar is your bestie, I'd hang out with Caitlin, I think we are tonight and tomorrow night. I have a drawing to give you:) BUT MELANIE IS JUST A FRIEND! I was comforting her and one thing lead to another and you see the picture! But for the hair I had no idea, and Summer really liked it, like she keeps touching it. I think it's a girl! I'll bet you nearer to the time, I will be the best to that Kid, I haven't even seen it or held it. It's still a embryo but I'll spoil that kid. I love YA too. And you don't have to tell Mar, I understand. I Miss him too, A lot actually I have to watch CSI and mature.
:( so I can't watch spongebob on my own. DEMETRIA he was my excuse to watch spongebob! Bring him back! Xx

God this day just got like 100% better. I hope tomorrow is better. I'll probably go to my room for now and just hold Caitlin she needs the support. I rush upstairs. God 18 and I already practically look after 2 kids, well 3 I mean Demi is like a child, from M&M's to jumping on the bed I just don't know with that girl. I sure love her though.
Bad chapter I know I'm sorry comment:) I want to know your ideas.
:) update next: Tuesday.

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