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Working on some other stories, this one isn't going on hold, I will update slowly. next chapter.. Will be like 10th-15th of December. While I get all my other stories back on track. So kinda on hold.. But Yano. Follow me/favourite/comment. Happy reading x

Demi's POVShe leaned in. I thought she was going to kiss me, she was just getting a light, I could feel her eyes flicker to my lips... I'm falling hard for my student.. Ugh!

"Since your my wife now Demi, I think you should give me that A* in history"She winked.

"Pft, you may be my favourite student, and as much as I want you to pass, I don't think i could get away with changing it, but let's just say.. You won't be getting below a C, else I'll tutor you, and I can be a really strict teacher." I just realised what I said now she's laughing hysterically.

"what?" I raise an eyebrow in interest.

"Really strict" she burst out laughing.

"Ew Skye, your suppose to be the innocent one!" I couldn't help the huge smile that was spread across my face.

"Hey, I'm really not innocent!" She argues.

"Okay, whatever you say!"

"Anyways, Strict Demi, your place or mine?" At this point i completely choked on my cigarette.

"Oh I just realised what I said, but anyway the offer is there"She winked, I may have turned a slide shade of red.

"Well, since I'm in my robe I can't exactly come into your house without it looking alittle strange." She laughs.

"Well, I happen to like your robe." Awh she's so sweet.

I get to the last bit of my cigarette, and flick it, Skye finished hers ages ago. I turn the door knob trying to be as quiet as I possibly can, Skye follows closely behind.

__________Skye's POVI crept into Demi's house, Zac was all spread out along the floor, that's all I really knew, I didn't know anyone else.

We managed to get to Demi's bedroom, I sat down on her bed and spread out. Queen size bed huh. She spreads out next to me, I can't help but look at her. The way her eyes sparkle, the way her hair is flawlessly on the bed.

"Well this is nice, I don't want to move." I don't it's so comfy like laying on a sheep.

" I know I got it like last week, I don't want to move either." I get in the covers and find Demi's phone.

"Oh what's this Demi!" She leans over me and her eyes so wide, but she leans over too far and I fall off her bed and onto the floor.

"Oh I'm so sorry Skye are you okay? I'm really sorry" I pass her phone back to her.

"Hey Demi... I think my nose is bleeding, and it's dripping on your carpet I'm really sorry."

"Hey it's okay, have some of this." Demi starts passing me tissue, she came closer, until we were inches apart She kept me looking at me..well at my lips. Our eyes connected.

"Do you like this blood Demi?" I flash her the tissue. She pulls back and I chase her. I pull her down and Climb on top of her. Omg GEEZ IM STRADDLING MY TEACHER.

"You're family are still sleeping! Shhhh" i put my finger on her lips.

"Your ass is Boney. " that's the most Awkwardest thing she could have said, but it's adorable because she's giggling she's so cute.

"Oh thanks Demi, you don't exactly make a comfy chair either." I laugh and slowly start getting off of her only to be pulled back on top of her.

"You don't have to get off though." She smiles.

"It feels awkward, I'm practically straddling you." I laugh awkwardly.

"I didn't say I didn't like it though, maybe I do." She lip bites, which is to die for.. It's so hot, okay I need to stop.

Demi's POV

"Okay. Well, I kinda like it too but you're my teacher.." ugh there it is. That barrier, society won't accept us it's not the fact we're girls, but she's my student.

"Rules are meant to be brok-" She both arms above my head, as she was kissing me passionately, I felt fireworks and sparks, everything I thought it would be, she broke apart the kiss, knowing that Oxygen was running low.

"I'm so.. Um.. s-sorry" she looked down and got off me. I froze. FUCK.

"I should probably go.."

"NO!" Was all I managed to shout, I'm still in shock.

"Why should I stay?" I came closer to her, I needed to kiss her again. I pushed her up against the door, sliding my tongue in and begging for an entrance, she gave it too me.

I pulled apart..


"I like you alot.." I can't say love it's too soon.

"I like you too Demz" she pecked my lips.

Gosh she's so tempting.

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