You've got potential

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Skye's POV
I'm on my way to school with Caitlin, while I'm rethinking about Dems, it turns out that the surprise was a lovely candle lit dinner, it was so beautiful with the light. I especially love it because of the way the light reflecting off of her eyes, gosh I'm so lucky. It's my last day of school today, it turns out that I passed all of my exams, so I don't have to go back like I planned I would. I don't have a job at Starbucks anymore, that perv just went too far. I pull up in the parking lot, well that's what the Americans call it, I notice a big sign. 'Career day!' Ugh I hate these I hope Demi's here. I pull out my phone and Select the green message icon and scroll down to Demi's name.

To Demi Lovato:
Hey! Are you coming to that career thingy today? Because I'm outside of the school with Caitlin and I wanna ditch? I love you x

I put my phone back in my pocket, ugh. It's so hot. I turn the AC on in my car. We're both sat here just listening to the radio in my car since we're... 20 minutes early, we didn't have to be in until 9am unlike the usual at 8.

"So Skye, I was thinking..."I interrupted her.

"Oh, that's never good!" She playfully hit my arm. I can't believe Caitlin only has 1 month of pregnancy left, I can't wait to meet the little guys, I'm totally kidding it's only one, I remember when I convinced her I heard two heart beats, damn it was like going to a concert.

"ANYWAY, do you want to come shopping with me.. Your the only one who really supports me.. Well except Demi?" I feel sorry for Caitlin, her parents aren't really around their always at work,and neither is the father, she lives with me and mom now.. I think her parents kicked her out, she just showed up crying, I've never asked her why.

"Yeah I would love to, I'll always be there for you and the little guys." I smirked, she didn't find it as funny.

"I'm only have one little beautiful baby." She lifted her shirt.. That's when it actually hit me, like a fucking truck... She's having a fucking child... I'm the god mother... I have faith in Caitlin she'll be an amazing mother, she will love him with all her heart, he'll be the centre of her world. He'll always have me too.

"It Will be beautiful, damn I mean he." We both giggled and I heard my phone go off, Demi's calling.
S-relaxing babe, I'm outside.
D- good, I'm not going on my own and you never know it might be good for you. I was hoping that we'd hang out tonight? What do you say? I'm hungry... For you baby.

S- It might be, I can't tonight I'm going to the mall with Caitlin, you wanna tag along? I'm not your student anymore...Miss Lovato, as much as I want to eat you... I mean with you.

"Ew GUYS STOP PHONE SEXING." Caitlin yelled out.

D- OMFG DID SHE HEAR ME.. Earlier...
C-yes Demi such a cliché joke.
It's boring we've been inside for half an hour, all I've done is look at Child care.
"You look very healthy and fit, why don't you check out the Armed Forced stand." I turn around and notice a very well built man.

"Okay.." I'm not sure about this. I quickly undo my jacket and start the assault course, Damn. I hope I don't make a fool out of myself.
I've finished the assault course, I must look all sweaty and horrible. I hope I did well.
"I'm amazed miss..."

"Johnson sir." I shake his hand. He breaks away and digs through his pockets.

"I like your attitude, you really have potential, if you want to train with me it would be a plesu-" that's when I got dragged away by my love.

"Excuse us." Demi.. I've missed her.

"Oh hey baby, what's wrong?" I wrapped arms around her, she wriggles out of my grasp.

"I can't believe you would join the Armed Forces... I can't let you do that. I can't let you set yourself at risk. I can't let you leave me.." That's when we kissed right in the middle of school, that's when everyone stared with their eyes open, and jaw hanging. That's when I realised I love Demi more then anything.

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