Pushed away

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Skye's POV
it's 3:30, I've pissed everyone off and I'm building the courage to open my letter form my dad.. Although I may as well wait until 5 when I meet him on the café on mainstreet, is going to be so great, sarcasm did you notice? I don't even know if Demi is coming with me since I stormed out of her class and haven't answered her calls, all 32 of them whoo. There's nothing better then ignoring your recent girlfriend of under 24 hours.
I think I need to just escape you know, because I can't do everything. School is too much, stress, exams and finals. Why me?! I hate this.

The worst part of this is Demi it's so difficult with her being my teacher. I have about an hour and 15 minutes.. GEEZ. I stumble up the stairs and strip, ugh I hate rushing, I'm so lazy. I turn the knob and jump in the shower to my luck, it warmed up pretty fast.
I'm all done and dressed at the moment I'm putting on some eyeliner. Suddenly the door knocks, ugh why! I have to move. I sprint down stairs, and open the door to reveal a slightly sweating Demi.
"What do you want?" That might have came out slightly harsh..
"I just wanted to see if your okay? And if you still wanted me to come with you to see your dad I mean?" I looked away and scratched my neck, my eyes darting to the floor. I can't look into her chocolate brown orbs.
"Look, Demi I'm fine." I plastered on a fake smile, she doesn't care it's okay.

"No your not why won't you open up to me? I want to support you, but you push me away!" I can't keep doing this.
"I don't want a screaming match, you can come with me if you want to, I just think it would look weird with a teacher meeting my dad with me." I played with my fingers.

"So now I'm just your teacher? It's hot and cold with you! First you kiss me and tell me you love me and then you go and pull the 'your my teacher card' on me. I can't win!" I hear her huff and a squeak of the hinges off of the door. I hate life.
It's 4:54 and I'm waiting by the café on mainstreet for my dad, I'm a little nervous. I'm scared too because of Demi, I think I pushed the ones I loved the most away. I hear the bell ringing signalling someone coming in the door, followed by a few mumbles, I looked away and saw my dad holding hands and speaking to someone.
"So here she is!" My 'dad' pulled out a chair for her, I knew her I recognised her face... Her voice she's.....
If you can guess who this is, I'll mention you in my story some how:) im sorry for the bad update. I wanted to give you guys something but I have exams and finals. Im sorry :) please favourite.
30+ for next chapter.

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