Detention and neighbours

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Soon enough it was then the end of the day and time for detention. I was stuck by force in Miss Lovato's room, it's really embarrassing because I'm the only one here well apart from Demi.

We sat in silence for about 5 minutes, until Demi spoke up.

"Isn't this atmosphere just so great?" She jokes. Her laugh is to die for.

"Hey Miss L, do you know what would be better?" Anything a part from this I thought, but at least I'm spending time with her. I could get used to this.

"What? And call me Demi, it out of school hours." She replies. That's weird, I've never called a teacher by their first name before.

"Letting me go home!" She giggles.

"Suppose I could let you go abit early, but could you help me with some boxes?"she pouts.

"Sure thing Dem" I feels weird calling her that..

"Okay you'll probably need help their alittle heavy!" They don't look that heavy.

"This box?" I picked it up, only struggling a little. I won't let that show though.

"How the hell, are you like a superhero?" she looks surprised.
"Totally" I roll my eyes.

"But seriously.. How?" She laughs.

"It's this thing called the gym Miss" I can't help but laugh.

"Hey!" Demi the goddess obviously doesn't need the gym.

"But look at this!" I flex. Im showing off a little bit, maybe I should tone it down.

"Okay okay, you win Jesus!"we both giggle.

I carried boxes into the other class.

"I'll see you tomorrow Miss L!" and with that my hood goes up and earphones go in. I can't wait for tomorrow.

She probably said bye back in her angel like voice, but I didn't hear it.

I quickly ran home, yes I don't have a car, I crashed okay!

I got through my door at 4:30.

"Hey darling! I invited our neighbour here for dinner, she should be here at 6 clean up okay!?" I look down.

"Ugh okay" I can't believe my mum.. I don't like socialising with new people.

I quickly go up stairs, shower, put on a t-shirt that says Rock hard and some black denim shorts and my classic black converse and abit of makeup I mean every girl needs it. I hear the door knock and some chitter going on down stairs. I went to go check it out.

I head down stairs to see a formal dressed up Lovato.. What are the fucking odds of that happening, I must be the luckily teenager on the fucking planet.

"Miss L-Lovato?" My mum looks at me awkwardly.

"Hey Skye, call me Demi!" Demi smiles, gosh this is awkward.

"Dinners ready I hope you don't mind it's mac and cheese." I love Mac and cheese.

"Sounds great" Demi replies, she's so nice. 

"Swell" I look down at my phone and Caitlin's calling.

I answer while my mom dishes tea.
"Hey Caitlin, sup?"
"Nothing, Derek broke up with me.."
"Holy shi- well anyways as I was saying wh-"
"Skye can you leave your phone alone for one minute, I swear she never gets off of that thing" my mum giggles to me and Demi.

"Caitlin I'll call you back bye, love you" I get off the phone with them both staring at me.
"Take a picture it would last longer!" I smile, they both end up giggling.

Life's Hard, Miss Lovato. (GxG) (TxS) (Complete) Where stories live. Discover now