First Timer.

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Read my authors note down the bottom it's really important! And have a good day.

It had been three weeks and I wasn't Demi's student anymore. I missed it. The quick make outs in the toilet stalls, or the quick peck outside in the hallway when no one was watching. I still love her, I don't get to see a lot of her anymore considering she's always marking papers! Caitlin finally had her baby, it was a boy! I gotta say he looks so adorable! I've had so many sleepless nights because of the little dude, I think she is either calling him Jay or Justin. My phone buzzed. Ugh. I can't be bothered to move and get it, although it might be Demi... I quickly look at it. Haha! It was.

From: Demi Lovato
Baby, come over I miss you. I haven't seen you in like 3 hours...I have cookies baby.<3 OH AND M&M's but they are mine!

This just reminds me of how much I truly love Demi. I know that she's been broken, I know that things are hard for her. I know for sure that I will never break her heart, I will never make her feel unwanted, I need her. I think, no I know, that she's the one I want to wake up next to for the rest of my life. No matter how hard things get, no matter what events come up. I know I can always count on Demi, I love her with all my heart and soul combined I just hope she's knows it. I know that deep down, she's just someone that acts childish, in a good way. I'm on my way to her house now.

Demi POV
I didn't know marking papers would be this hard.

"I'm here..."

"I'm in my bedroom baby." It's been 4 months and me and Skye haven't really been intimate.. I mean we make out a lot but we've never actually done anything really sexual, I want it to be really special. I want to make sure that she's ready and comfortable.

"I've missed you so much babe." Awh, she's the cutest most beautifulest woman I've ever laid eyes on.

"I've missed you too! Now come here and kiss me!" She flops on top of me after a few giggles, she connects her juicy lips to mine. I've waited for this moment since the first time I saw her.. I want sex with her... Tonight.

I can't help it, I crave her so much. I think she feels the same way either that or she teases me.

"What are you thinking about?" I feel like I should tell her..

"just about you.. And me.. And this really comfortable bed.." She lays next to me as blonde hair mix with my brown creating a picture on the bed.

"I think I'm ready Demi..." She leans over and kisses my tender spot on my neck, I let a moan escape as she moves up kissing my earlobe and begins biting it. Ugh JUST TAKEN ME.

"I love you" she bites lip and her hot breath tinkles down my spine.

" I love you too baby now stop teasing..this is our first time, and I want it to be special. Meet me back here in an hour.. Now go get dinner I have a surprise my baby."

I'm so sorry for not updating, I will start updating regularly but I have finals and exams. Oh and btw I was wondering if any of you wanted a story based on the titanic about two girls fall In Love... One being Demi and one being Selena.. Make sure you comment... I don't know if I should write it or not.. But I will probably go into a lot more detail because I know the storyline really well and basically I make this story up as I go along...

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