The Lovatos

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Okay so this will kinda be like the Lovato family, although Demi will have a 17 year old brother, just to spice something's up! He's called Zac(picture above)

Demi's POV
I can't wait, it's Saturday my family are 10 minutes away! It's going to be so good! They actually live like 7 hours away, but still live in Texas but the other side, I can't wait to see Dallas, and Maddie! I could scream, but I'm not going to, but it turns out they're staying for the next couple days,three at max. I love my family I honestly do but we argue a lot. I decided to go casual today some black and grey sweats with a white top and blue converse, okay none of it matches I don't care. Why am I mentally arguing with myself? I heard someone knocking on the door or a whole family? Maybe.

I get off the arm chair and answer it.

The door springs open.

"OMG! I'm so glad to see you all! I've missed you so much" I blurted out, I have missed them.

"We've missed you too."

"Hey Zac! I've missed you!" Hes just fangirling out the window. Looking at my Skye.

"Oh hey Dems, who's the hottie?" He raises an eyebrow. He's such a jerk.

"Well, she's a neighbour- Skye." I smile at her name ugh what does she do to me, my family make themselves at home with Maddie using the wifi, and Dallas making something in the kitchen and well moms checking out the house. Dad apparently couldn't come because of some business.
Well this is going to Fun.
Skye's POV.

I'm just here chillaxing on the grass with Caitlin, Jenna, oh and Melanie... It wasn't my idea, Caitlins idea apparently I've been single for too long.

"So..." I finally speak up its so quiet.

"Shut up Miss Lovato is coming! Hide the lighter and put it out ." A very startled Caitlin spoke out.

"Dude chill." Demi finally approached us with this hot guy.

"Hey, I'm Zach but you can call me the man of your dreams." I begin laughing.

"I'm sorry, but that's the cheesiest thing I've heard, ever." If only he knew.

"Oh." He looks down.

"I didn't mean to offend you, but I'm kinda taken." I intertwined my hand with Melanie's, BIG MISTAKE.

"Oh dear god, I didn't think I was that bad." He started laughing, Demi just looked really pissed off. Zac walked off.

"Oh god that was close." I whip my hand away from Melanie's.

"Hey Miss Lovato."
Okay now I'm doubting if she caught me smoking.

She smiled. "Well that's my brother, he got his looks from me, as you can tell." We all laughed followed by Demi.

"Well obviously your beautiful." Did that really just come out of my mouth. Demi blushes pretty hard, I can tell.

"Well, thanks, I best be going. The two days with these guys are going to kill me, oh and smoking is bad." She freaking turn on her heel and winked. She's so hot and beautiful.

The day passed by, pretty quick I said good bye to the girls, it's now 11pm. I can't sleep so I may aswell go somewhere else, it's really awkward because Demi's outside her house, Yano.

I start climbing from
The dusty window, I swing from the tree in one quick motion and drop, I slide my hood up.

"Skye, do you ever use the front door?" She took a drag back.

"Pft, no I'm too cool for that" i rest against the gate.

"Where are you off to?" She smiles.

" I don't know there's just nothing to do." I could do Demi... Where did that come from.

"Well, do you want to... Em.. hangout?" She looks at me.

"I wouldn't mind hanging out with the worst 21 year old driver ever, but you should give me a smoke though?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

"Ugh fine but if your mom or dad finds out I'm literally dead!" She passes me one.

"Lighter?" She sighs. It's ran out.

I walk over to her I get on one knee.
"Oh your not purposing are you?" She giggles.

"Well, I don't know... Will you Demi Lovato-"

"Yes" she giggles so hard.

I lean in closer and closer....
Cliffhanger (;
Let me know in the comments what you like so far! Follow me I follow back
Next update... Possibly tomorrow? Or.. Sunday?

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