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Skye's P.O.V
I woke up to sound of my alarm clock, damn. This is why I hate life, the early mornings. I think the birds outside are the only thing keeping me sane.

I quickly get up and shower.. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror it completely repulsed me. I'm a girl who doesn't like her body what girl does? I don't starve myself.. I did once I just couldn't do it, I live near dominos! It's was horrible. Anyways I let the hot soapy water pour over me. I begin washing my hair, before I know it I'm ready to get out, I quickly rinse off and step out.

I dry my hair and begin planning out my outfit for the day. It's great not having a uniform like in England! Anyways I picked out a white top saying 'we aren't all human' which had a cute dog On it, with a black hoodie, blue skinny jeans and black converse. I brush my teeth, i don't think I could manage breakfast to be honest I never do, I hate eating in the mornings, it's a waste of time. I just grabbed an apple and slotted it into my bag before leaving. I head out the door and noticed, Emma, Caitlin, Jenna and Shannon waiting for me in Caitlin's car patting the back seat. I quickly hop in.
"Hey guys..." I knew this would be a long day.

"Hey.. What's up" Shannon began making slow conversation. It wasn't awkward nor was it good.

"Nothing you guys?!?" I haven't seen them since like 2 days I actually missed them.

They all went on about how they did different things. Meanwhile, I've done nothing but work.
We all got to school in 10 minutes but it seemed like it took forever, we were an hour late, we went to Starbucks, I finally used my 20% discount. I missed health and social though, I didn't like that lesson anyway. We all have History together! Jason waited for me by my new locker, it feels weird. I've only been moved up a year. I jumped on his back and rode him.. Oh god no. He's my best friend. We all burst in history singing I don't even know what's going on, but I'm all for it. Damn, we were actually early to this lesson!
We pick where we wanted to sit. I want to sit  at the back. I was sitting on the desk because who needs chairs. We all sat practically together with Emma and Caitlin to my right, and Jason behind me.

"Hey I scored last night.." He said to me while thrusting his hips.. He's weird but don't judge him he's a good friend.

I giggled.
"I bet you she was all like uh uh more Jason" I began moaning and laugh before it all went silent.. I turn around to see... Demi...

She just looked at me and began laughing, so much for first impressions.

"Hello class, I'm Miss Lovato.." She began writing on the board. She reached for the top and her skirt rode up.. Yes it was only her leg... But the boy's were drooling.

"Well I'm pretty laid back, I best do the roll, answer and raise your hand." Her voice filled the room.

"Alice" she stated.
"Here" she replied.


I finally zoned out because let's face it, it doesn't matter how hot your teacher is.. It's still boring.

"Hey! Skye!" Jason shouted me.


"Mr Brighton's coming."
"Shit" he doesn't really like me because I dated his son..

"Skylar! I've said your name 5 times." Demi pointed out, I couldn't help but stare at her.

"Oh right here" finally I formed some words. I'm so awkward.

Mr Brighton barged in.

"'MISS JOHNSON, YOU SHOULD PAY ATTENTION IN CLASS!" He always does this, like what teacher picks on someone like that for no reason? He does obviously.

Life's Hard, Miss Lovato. (GxG) (TxS) (Complete) Where stories live. Discover now