It's Love.. Or is it?

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I've realised I haven't been updating. So I thought why not a double update? For no reason at all I present this chapter. Oh, and I didn't check this over so any typos just let me know. Don't forget to comment and fav or whatever(:


Skye's P.O.V
I was at the school gates playing with my fingers and letting the long sleeves on my jumper kidnap my hands. I'm here with my friends Caitlin, Jenna, and Jane, I guess you could say I was slightly popular, I mean I don't really have many actually friends only the fake kind at my school.. Caitlin is a true friend and so is Jenna but the rest, they just don't get me. But yeah.. Miss Lovato is parking her car, you know the usual. It's 8:20 so I have 10 minutes to get to registration, ugh 20 minutes of pain, Austin just hits on me; I feel ill when he hits on me, oh did I tell you I have a hang over, I get brought into reality when two girls are screaming my name to get inside.

I start heading to registration, I wish I didn't there was Austin in plain view, sure I had my girls but they wouldn't stand up for me, well Caitlin would.. But Jenna has to sign in somewhere else. But the rest..yeah they'd apologise later, but that's how it is.

"Hey babe, saved you a seat next to me." I just plaster on a fake smile, that's what normally happens.

"T-thanks" I manage to get out.. I don't know how to respond he takes everything to heart, like everything friendly I do he turns it around to look like I'm flirting, but I take the seat.

Now that's over, I have history with Miss Lovato... What joy... I think we're on good grounds at the moment...I'm not sure.

Me, Kevin, Jenna and Caitlin approach the door 10 minutes late. With a twist of a handle were all inside.

"Oh it's great of you four to finally show up.. What's your excuses?" Miss Lovato stood there looking over us.

"I was er... With ... S-Skye.." Jenna answered.

"Thanks just fucking pin point everything on me!" Demi raises an eyebrow.

"Well Im giving you all detention, and you guys get the pleasure of going first on your presentation." I actually did it actually it was about the war. But I'm pissed I got detention.

"Fairs." I just walked away and sat down.
"Skye, baby!"Melanie's in this class... THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY.

"Yeah Mel?" I look down.

"Well.. I haven't seen you latel-" Demi or Miss L interrupts us.
"I'm sorry if my lesson is so boring that you feel the need to talk.. But could you pay attention?" She looks flawless, literally everything about her is perfect.

"Sorry Miss" me and Melanie both say in sync.

"Okay, so anyways, Skye and Caitlin, your up!" She sounds more excited than me, I'm dreading this.
We're now at the front of the class.
I was just staring off into space before I realised it was my turn to talk.

"It was a very h-hard-" I got cut off by Jason.

"Just like my dick for you!" He thinks he's so funny.

"Excuse me, do you want to say that again you fucking twat!" I fucking hate Jason, I dated him two years ago.

"Anyways as I was saying, it was important aspect due to giving people more jobs and bringing Britain out of the depression, however many lost there love ones." I looked straight at Demi, it's like she was staring at me. Duh I did just give a presentation.


End of the day finally, on wait, I have detention with Demi great. I turn back in the History section, and politely knock on her door.
She opens it and invites me in, I'm obviously the first one here.

"Well it seems like this is a regular thing.." Demi trails off.

"You bet'cha, I have to go.. By.. 4:10... So could I leave like 10/20 minutes early.. For work?" I look down and I've began craving my name into the desk, such a bad ass, joking.

"Sure, can't keep you from your Starbucks, I could go for a Starbucks actually!" I laugh at her, she gets so excited for the little things.

"I have a deal for you Miss L" I smirk.

"That consists of?"she raises an eyebrow.

"I will, personally make you a Starbucks, hell I'll even give you whipped cream or whatever, it will be on the house.. If you let me go now? How interesting?" I say biting my lip.

"Oh, I don't know.. What about this detention.. I don't know how I'll explain it, to your friends that I'm not here when they get here?" She lifts up her skirt.

"Are you serious? They don't come to detentions.." She glances out the window.

"So why did you?" She asks still not taking her gaze from the window.

"I-".. Why even did I? Maybe to see a hot goddess of a teacher that I'm completely crushing on.. Who just happens to live next door..

"I- didn't want to.. Um get in t-trouble?" That was lame, stuttering and everything gosh what's gotten into me. This is how it feels, to love, I hate Shakespeare.

"Of course,I think you just couldn't be apart from me I mean, look at me, people will form cues!"she burst out laughing and so do I. Isn't it
Ironic that she meant 'people' she could have said guys... But she didn't..

"Of course, that's it" but that really was why... I just laughed it off.

"Well will you accept my offer Demi, or am I too far back in the cue of people forming?" She laughed.

"Of course, your in front of the cue who would turn down Starbucks?" She fucking winked.. I Blushed so hard, maybe she doesn't notice... She's very observant so...she probably noticed.. The butterflies are back.. And there telling me I'm in love with my very sexy History teacher.

Life's Hard, Miss Lovato. (GxG) (TxS) (Complete) Where stories live. Discover now