The Telling

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My wattpad is broke (for iPhone) .. So I have to type on an iPad.. I mean it's so wrong.. And it's too big D: but I will update.. Don't hate me for this Chapter.
Oh and I promised someone, I can't remember who.. That I wouldn't bring Wilmer into this.. I ishy did. I'm sorry.
oh and before I forget, read @HidingInTheShadowsDL new book. (Demi Fanfic)
Demi's POV
I can't wait to see Skye tomorrow.. She's finally legal! I mean of course it's not overly legal considering that I'm her teacher and well she's my student. It's 00:01am! She's 18 finally! Do you know how hard it was to stay up at 12? with a child that does nothing but run around and throw Lego's everywhere! I decide to text Skye.
To: Skye
Finally it's your birthday! 18! It's going back to be so great, I can't wait to see you tomorrow, I'm actually going to tell Mar about us it's for the best. Your finally 18. I have a present for you, I hope you like it.

"Hey Mar?" I threw an M&M up into the air and to my surprise I caught it.
"Great, you finally caught it after 3000 times." I pout.
"I need to tell you something, important?" I rested the M&M's on the table and scooted to the end of the bed.
"I haven't seen you this serious sinc-" i cut her off.
"Don't say it!" I put my hands over my ears. Yes, I'm Demetria Devonne Lovato and I'm acting like a complete child, who would think that I'm actually 21.
"But always I really like someon-" Fucking hell! It's like we're playing 'who wants to interrupt each other first'.
"Who's the lucky guy Dems?" She's making this so difficult, I need to tell her she's my best fiend she deserves to know.
"It's not like-" DO I JUST QUIT TALKING, she's lucky I love her, and that she's my best friend.
"WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN?" At this point she's jumping on me and all over the bed, like a excited puppy.
"You know that girl that lives next door?" I breathe, I need to relax, its natural to like the opposite sex right? But the fact I'm her teacher might not go down well...
"Has she taken your man? I will hurt her Dems! Is she hurting you? WHAT THE FUCK HAS THAT LITTLE BISCUIT DONE?" Mar makes me laugh, all the time but this is actually serious.

"Look Mar, she's not hurting me, she's not taking my man. Skye is my man.. I mean woman, I mean fuck.I love Skye is what I'm trying to put on the fucking table." I inhale deeply as the sugar coating of the M&M lingers in my mouth. I'm waiting for a reaction, I'm waiting for Mar to just explode.
"Well, does she make you happy?"I look at her, and give her an idiotic smile.
"To be honest Mar, she makes me feel alive.When I'm with Skye it's like I'm not just her teacher or her friend, I'm only hers. I feel more then happy, I can't even think of words to describe how I feel with her.." If I don't stop myself now I'll just keep rambling, and that will get a pillow to the face, knowing what Marisa is like.
"It doesn't matter, as long as she makes you happy." Marisa snakes her arms around my waist.
"Thankyou! THANKYOU! I just don't know if I can be with someone knowing my career will be put on the line.." I look down and break away from her warm embrace.
"She makes you happy, Laws are meant to be broke. Romeo killed himself because he couldn't have his Juliet. It doesn't matter, she loves you, clearly you love her. Dems, if she EVER steps out of line just once, I'll kill her." She went really serious which half to death scared me...
"But seriously I'll hurt her Dem's, I don't want her to be another heartbreak like Wil-" why does she bring him up, he was a terrible mistake. I got a healthy baby boy, that I couldn't change for the world. Wilmer was a messed up mistake, but without him I wouldn't have Jake so I'm thankful.
"I get it, he was a fucking asshole." He true was. I'm glad Mar took it well, I just can't wait until my family finds out... Hopefully not yet for a while... They hated Wilmer, but she's not like him, at all.
I don't own anything. I wish I owned Demi... I don't even own M&M's either :( I own nothing. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Might be A few errors.

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