War Dallas.

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I just wanted to say thanks for reading my fan-fiction, I love you so much. Stay strong.

Demi's POV
Ugh, I'm so tired. Jake has been keeping me up all night! I've tried everything, I wish the boy would sleep.This is the first time he's slept in 2 days! Finally, I get some time for- I hear a very muffled Paramore tune, UGH. I check the caller ID, GOD DAMN IT DALLAS.

"HEY!" Okay maybe I need to calm down, deep breaths Demi.
"Wow, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Im really not in the mood for her shit comments.
"Yes Dallas, what is it?" I sigh, I need sleep!

"I have a date... I don't know what to wear, and it's at 5! He said I'm meeting someone, that's very special to him, I'm NERVOUS DEMI!" I could hear the nerves in her voice, ugh it's against the sister code if I don't.
"Just go with the button up black dress sweetheart." I love Dallas but couldn't she just google this.
"Okay, thanks for the help Dems.. About this guy he's really sweet and I love him his name is-" suddenly, I hear a cry from Jakes room.

"Look Dallas, I don't have time, have fun on your date. I love you, you'll do fine." I press the red button and end the call. I quickly walk to Jakes room, silence.
I look down on him asleep, he must have just stirred.
I hear the same Paramore call tone, FOR FUCK SAKE DALLAS.

"DALLAS I JUST-" I'm so mad right now, I don't get anytime to myself.
"Demi... It's Marissa, damn girl what's wrong?" Maybe everyone calling me.

"Mar, it's just everything, I miss living with Mom, when I was young things were simpler. I'm so tired lately, Skye isn't helping at All and Dallas is annoying the hell out of me with her date." Mar's the type of person that understands most thing, well she kind of understood me going out with my student.
"What's wrong with Skye?"

"First she walked out of class, I went over to help her like a normal girlfriend would right? and then she tells me I'm just her teacher. Mar I don't know what to do anymore. I can't be just that teacher. I can't let her slip through my fingertips."

"Why don't you show her how much she means to you, turn up to the meeting with her dad just to make sure she's okay, shes a teenager, life's confusing." Mar always gives the best advice.

"Okay, that's exactly what I'm going to do, first I need to get a nanny for Jake."

"I'll come and look after the guy!"
"YESTERDAY DEMI!" I need to calm down.

"I'll see you in 10 don't piss your pants." Mar hung up. Ugh I have to be there in 15 minutes.
Finally, I'm on my way to the café, I tried knocking on Skye's door but I got no answer. I MISSED MAR DO MUCH! I can't wait to spend time with her! I want to support Skye, but it's hard you know, she's just a teen.
I recognise that car.. Hmm. Before I knew it I'm just outside the cafè, I feel bad.. I promised her, she needs me.
I scan the room looking for Skye.. But something catches my eye first, better yet someone....D-DALLAS?
S-sky... Skye's her date.. It's just them two getting all smiley, why. I didn't tell Dallas I knew it, she would try and steal my girl, I would let her. This is war Dallas.
I just wanted to thank you guys for 11.5k reads. ILY♥️
Demi's got the wrong end of the stick clearly, will she see sense or ignore Skye completely?
Next update next- Monday.

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