Thinking Love

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Skye's POV_
did I hear that right...
"You what?"I turned around a shut the door.
"I think... I love you" am I dreaming or something?
"Demi, you can't just say that, you're probably just upset" I went to turn around and leave but she tugged me back.

"No I actually am Inlove with you Skye, I can't help myself, I feel the butterflies, it's just so wrong.. I'm 21.. Your 17 for Crying out loud! I have a 5 year old child! I can't except you to take on so much at this age." She looks down and everything falls silent.

"I love you too Demi, I'm
Not ready for this, but I'll learn if I have to, I would do literally anything for you." Demi moved closer to me, letting her hands explore every inch of my body our lips finally connected, I felt her soft moist lips on mine, I'm so Inlove with her. The heart wants what the heart wants and that's Demi Lovato.

We pulled away gasping for air.
"I think I'm Inlove with you." I stood awkwardly confessing my love.

"I think I love you too." Her arms still around my neck, I knew this was it. I was looking into her brown orbs.

"Shit. The carnival!" I picked up my bag and slid my iPhone in my pocket.

"Do you wanna come to the carnival?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's a date." She winked.

"I suppose it is Lovato, I'll see you there." She went to kiss me but I moved away.

"No kisses?" She pouted.

"These lips are for later!" I licked my bottom lip teasing her. Shit I really have to get to the carnival.

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