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BUY 'Up' by Olly Murs ft Demi!!! It's amazing. Js.
Oh and thanks for reading, I can't wait to carry on with this Story! I love you guys, Stay Strong! (Happy Lovatic Day!) I'm so proud of our warrior.
Demi's POV
I'm sitting in the dining room, all I can't hear anything, all I hear is nothing, I don't know what nothing sounds like but yeah.Silence. Theirs a change of plan, I'm meeting Skye at her place at 10pm. I can't wait to give her the gift, got her some Supra's shoes I didn't think they'd cost 120 dollars! She's worth every penny, we've got closer a lot lately. I can't wait until she sees them. I wrapped them in Halloween paper, I thought the pumpkins were cute.
I best leave its like 9:59, I hate how quiet it is here, I miss my little Jakey. My mom is looking after him.. I miss his little giggles, i saw him like 5 hours ago...that's a lot of seconds without my boy, I don't know what to do with myself.
After finally debating with myself that I missed Jake so much, I left the house and now I'm outside Skye's house, should I knock? Or I might leave it.. Its like being a teenager all over again, ugh!

What if im underdressed? I'm just in Jeans and a leather jacket. I don't what to do, before I know it my hands lift up to the door and knock.. Ugh? Stupid hands.

I look down at my shoes and start tapping the heels together, this has a great beat. The door opened quietly revealing Skylar in a shirt and shorts.
"Hey, I've missed you so much, I thought you wouldn't come." She motioned for me to come in, I wiped my black high heels on the mat, ugh I shouldn't walk on the lawn.
"Sorry I'm late, of course I would come. I've missed you too, I can't stop worrying about Jake, I miss him so much. Why is it so quite? Where did everyone go?" She snaked her arms around my waist and rested her chin on my shoulder.

"I told everyone we'd party tomorrow,before I'm stuck in a boring classroom with a boring ass teacher." I pulled away, and raised an eye brow.. School is boring but I'm not!

"Are you going to rephrase that?" I smirked, as she pouted holding her arms out for me to fall back into her warmth.

"Fine, it will be boring except when I'm in history, because I have a beautiful teacher named Miss Lovato, that I can't touch at all.Better?" She has a point the amount of times, she's looked really hot chewing on her pencil, or when she gets the right answer and smiles to herself, she's so adorable. I put my hand on my hip.
"I know, I understand what you feel I'm in this relationship-" shit.
"What relationship?" I smirk.
"I didn't mean-" okay i officially give up with talking, first Mar, you'd be lucky to get a sentence In with my boss too.
"Demi will you-"
"Pass me the crisps." I swear she planned that. I give her an evil stare, she just laughs. I pass her them, anyway and look away. Ugh!

"I'm kidding Demi, that's what you get for interrupting." She rests the crisps on the table and quickly runs upstairs. I still have her present in my hand, I only just realised. I observe the living room only half tidy, beer bottles everywhere. She soon returns, with something behind her back.

"Well, Demi... I wanted to ask you if you want to erm... Be my... Girlfriend?" I went stiff completely in shock.. I- what? I don't know.. Brain.. Say something... Anything.. Fix up a fucking sentence, move lips. Fuck.

"I... I do..." She giggles and brings the rose behind her back.

"We're not getting married you know, well not right now." I wrap my arms around my neck before kissing her cheek.

"Look, Skye..."I bite my lip.

"We've been together 52 seconds, and your breaking up with me already?" She gives a confused looks her eyebrows knitting together.
"No, I mean kinda. I don't want to be your girlfriend until tomorrow, this is your day I don't want to take it away from you." She gives out a sigh.

"You don't understand, if anything I'll remember this day for the rest of my life for one, I was born, two I asked out the most beautiful, kind, caring amazing girl ever." She bent down abit to connect our lips, yes she's taller and I'm older, I really don't care. IM SO EXCITED WE FINALLY GET TO BE TOGETHER, I mean we do have to hide because of me being her teacher.. But it'll be worth it, I'll go into deep thought about that later but for now everything's fine.
"Oh and before I forget I got you a little something.." I raise the box from behind my back and rattle it infront of her face, her eyes go wide.

"Demi, you really didn't have to get me anything." She looks down, smiling.

"I did. I really wanted to see you smile, I care a lot for you know!" She takes the box from my hands. She traces the tag that reads:
To: The dearest beautiful Skye.
Have a great day, I will be there of course, and don't forget to have fun! 18! Whoo!

From: Demi&Jakeyxxx
We love you.

"Are you going to stare at the box or open it?" I giggle and Skye shows her pearly whites as her lips quiver up into a smile. She rips open the layers of, and her eyes are fixed on the shoes.
"OMG FUCKING GOD LOVATO, FUCKING YOU SLAY SO MUCH." At this point she's literally on top of me planting kisses on my face, not that I'm complaint of course. We both get off of the floor.
"Thanks Demi, best gift EVER." She pecks my cheek.

"No problem, your worth everything to me!" We went to lean in and kiss before she spoke-
"I love you Demetria." She quickly pecked my lips, she tasted like strawberry vanilla.
It's all so sudden..
"I love you too." Wow.. What? .... I love her.. I really love her! After a moment her hands begin roaming my body. She connects our lips with more force and it was much more rough, yet so passionate, like raw emotion. Before we knew it we were making out, our hair a mess, sweat dripping from the from the intense make out session. The door slams open and we bolt up from the sofa. I look at Skye, she's wearing a worried look, staring at the man in the door way...

"D-dad?"I gasp.WHAT? I've always wonder why he wasn't in her life..

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