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Finally, Demi actually came to the carnival, I didn't think she would. I liked my lips and winked at her before I lost her in the crowd.

"SKYE!" Blake screamed in my ear, you'd think he'd be a lot nicer to me, since we used to be best friends.

"Yea?" I turned to face him, I missed him, he's only back in town for a week.

"Three legged race? We'd win. I promise you!" He squealed. Incase you haven't guessed he's gay, doesn't make him any different, If anything I love him even more.

"Obviously." I started looking for Demi... I can't even find her, but I suppose I have to get ready for the three legged race.
The whistle went off signalling that me and Blake had to sprint our asses to the finish line, I didn't want to win.. We were against 2 four year olds.
I ran half way way and told Blake to slow down but instead he slowed me down.. By pulling down my shorts, I should have seen it coming.
"Your such a... AS- um... Prat." Everyone had seen my underwear. Not cool. That's when my eyes connected with Demi's, it was obvious that she was trying to control her laughter. Now it's time to make me and Blake even.
"Blakey" I pulled down his trousers. in his face! I decided to walk off and get a coffee. I could do with a Starbucks, I texted Demi.

coffee or no Coffee that is the question?

I slipped my iPhone into my pocket and met everyone, we'd meet like this every year, same old boring questions, 'how's school and everything'. I bumped into Melanie, sitting on the bench looking glossy eyed.

"You did.. Umm.. Kinda great out there, aren't you glad you wore underwear?" I took the seat next to her and giggled.

"I'm actually SOOO GLAD! But more importantly what's wrong with you girl?" I put my arm around her as her tears started to fall and created wetness on her cheek.

"My d-dad... He.. D-died." She poured her whole heart out to me, I didn't know what to do I've never been in this situation. I rubbed the tears away with my thumb.. And that's when she kissed me, I didn't feel a thing I pulled back... And saw the last person I would expect. Summer.
Shitty update I have writers block, I will carry on, I have few ideas😂 your probably thinking 'oh god' but I'll reveal who Summer is in the next chapter.

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