Starbuck Savour

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Great work at 9am, I can't believe I got up at 7.. Wasn't easy me and Demi just kept talking about the future. It's kinda weird knowing Demi's my teacher and that I kissed her.. Well it's not weird it's just awkward because I knew I wasn't suppose to but we both agreed we felt the spark.. Well the EXPLOSION!

I feel my phone rapidly vibrate in my pocket. GEEZ.
UGH ITS MELANIE. I slide the call button.

S: Hey, what's up?
M: Hey, nothing you?
s: working the usual.
M: I'm right by the mall, I'll come see YA.
S: okay I'll be waiting see YA.
M: I lov-
I cut her off I can't be dealing with the drama.

I finally serve the customer, after what seemed like forever, I didn't mean to spill his coffee I just dunno what's wrong with me.

Finally Mel was here.

"What's up?" She raised an eyebrow, she can see what I'm doing.. I'll never get her.

"Nothing you?"

"Same, how's the whole working thing?" She looked me up in down.. But not in disgust like most people, wouldn't be so bad if my boss wasn't a complete perv.

"It's good I get off in like 2 hours." She starts playing with the menu, damn works pretty slow.

"Fair enough, could that skirt get any higher?" She winked.

"Probably, ask my boss the perv." I signalled to a man sitting by the till, and pouring in what looked like coco powder. He winked. I'm disgusted.

"Got a point." I could tell she was staring, while staring off into the distance I notice a toddler, sitting alone on a bench outside.

"Hello little boy are you lost?" He looks about 5.

"Yes, but don't tell my momma. Maybe she'll get mad." He looked down nervous.

"Why would she get mad honey?" I asked with Mel behind me.

"I don't know maybe because I ran away" I held his hand.

"Well maybe that wasn't a good idea, but momma might be missing you!"he looked to the floor.

"What's your name? I'm Skylar, and this is Melanie"

"I'm Jake Lovato" NO FUCKING WAY.

"Well do you remember where you last saw your mummy?"

"You say mommy weird, and other there.. He pointed to a next shop." I looked inside to reveal Demi.

ITS BEEN 5 minutes.

I wonder outside the shop after what seems like 20 minutes looking for Jake.

"JAKE!...Skye...SHIT" I ran as fast as I could I finally find him... I finally had him.
My mom had him for a week over the other side of Texas while I got settle so I could take his stuff out of storage.

"Hey.."I sighed. Skye just kind stood there frozen.

"momma! This is Skye, my best friend momma we found you!" He gave Skye a big hug.

"I see that Jake." Jake began hugging on to Skye's leg, it was the cutest thing.

"How come i don't get mentioned in this!" Melanie laughed, which earned a smile from Skye, which I'm extremely jealous at may I add.

"You did nothing I was the Starbucks, savour here!" She smiled proudly.

"yeah thanks about that! I don't know what I would have done!" I just wish she didn't find out like this...

"See Jake I told you momma wouldn't be mad." Why would I be mad..

"Your so smart!" Awe they like eachother.

"Well Miss L, you better take your child before he accidentally ends up in my house." We all laugh.

"Bye Jake!" He squeezes on her legs tighter.

"I don't want to leave Skye momma" I didn't know what to say.

"But Jake, you have to leave me else, you'll leave momma all alone, and you don't want that, see I have Mel" she gave him one quick hug because he kindled his hands with mine again.

"Pft and your always gunna be stuck with me!" She wrapped her arms around her waist and her neck on Skye's shoulder. HATING THIS RIGHT NOW.

"I have disinfectant in the car; I have to finish at work first." i laughed. She clearly doesn't know any part of Melanie.

The song still into you came on in the mall by Paramore.

"I LOVE THIS SONG.Well I best be going, I'll see ya Later Miss L." I walked away smiling as my Sexy Starbuck Savour danced to her favourite song, she'll always be my favourite girl.

Took me 5 minutes to write I don't know if it's good I just thought yano, why not? Enjoy x

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