Just Me.

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I don't like the way this book has ended up, I'm editing it as of. 16/09/2016.
Skylar's P.O.V-
I should probably introduce myself, not that I'm worth introducing. Anyways I'm Skylar May Johnson, I'm 17 with attitude, I can be nice.. I'm nice to people I really like, or the ones who respect me. I'm kinda, well actually I am popular. I'm not a barbie, As your probably thinking, I have blonde hair and blue eyes. Hitler would have saved me, I forgot to tell you I'm In Love with history and English mainly creative writing. I work on the weekends at Starbucks, the job kinda sucks but the money isn't too bad; I'm actually working here now! But yea- I snap back into reality when Maddie smacks me with some whipped cream, I can't believe her...I could actually, we'd do anything to mess with each other.

"Hey I'mma get you back for that!" I shouted as  I quickly gave the customer his medium sized coffee. I actually shoved it into his hand. Oops.

I quickly chased after Maddie, only for her to keep squirting me with whipped cream, I picked up a lump of cream off the floor and smacked it into her face. Sorry, this isn't going to be something on pornhub.com.

"Sky! S-stop" she giggled. We quickly got off the floor and turn to a very surprised customer who begins giggling.

She's.... She's... She's Beautiful! What.. No. I'm just gunna shut up... I'm practically going insane don't mind me. I find everyone beautiful. I mean for one shes like a model, and two she looks about 20.

"What can I get you?" I smiled,while wiping the whipped cream off my face. I must look horrible. I'll probably get fired for this- I don't really like this job anyway, if I'm honest.

"Can I get a Hot Chocolate.. And some of your Cherry Berry cake to go?" I typed in her order biting my lip as I'm trying to figure out how to work the till. I've only just started, just so I can pay my way in this stupid world. I was 17 and my mom was making me learn the ropes of adulthood, it sucks but it kept her off my back, so I was actually okay with it.

"That'll be 2 dollars.." She had me five dollars, I had no idea what I was doing. Why was I acting so nervous?

"Normally it's 4." I couldn't help but smile she must come here often, I give her 3 dollars back. I guess she saw through my 'I know everything because I work at a shitty Starbucks' act.

"Well you see Miss..." I stressed the s. I had a name tag, I should have just guessed her name, but then what would I write on the cup? People should come with name tags.

"Lovato.. But call me Demi." she giggles, which is adorable by the way. It's fun working in retail you get to meet random strangers whom you may never see again, you can figure them out, or make up stories for them. 

"Well Demi, I'm kinda new here and I couldn't find the button for the Cake.. So.. Oops!" I give Demi her change back and begin washing my hands. I had to be professional am I right? All about that quality bullshit.

"Oh.. Well thanks for that....." I started her hot chocolate by adding the powder and warming up the milk.

"Skylar, call me Skye." I poured in the milk and begin stirring the mixture using this big machine whisk thing. It was pretty cool and it saved time and effort. I love machines.

"What do you want wrote on your cup?" I tiptoed over the coffee machine with a black marker in my hand. I was a little short, sue me.

"Demi's fine." Oh yes she is, my mind is in the never ending gutter. Please someone send help. Normally I don't think like this at all.

"Okay." I tightened my on the pen and wrote 'Demi' I rested the cup on the side, I'm beginning to wonder where Mads is. I mean I don't like leaving her unsupervised, she's like a puppy, she breaks everything.

I begin wrapping Demi's cake. After stringing the coffee and placing on the lid, I took her cafe and passed it to her, which she gladly accepted- obviously she did ask for it.

"Thanks Skye." and just like that she walks out of my life, that sounded so depressing. What's wrong with me? I looked around, and suddenly Maddie appeared next to me, startling me in the process.

"Hey your shifts over!" I guess I just lost track of time.. Shit! I have school tomorrow. I hang up my apron, take off my hair net and head out the door.

I plugged in my earphones and journeyed home. Ugh, why did it have to rain! I mentally slapped myself for forgetting my coat. I zipped up my thin jacket and begin walking...

I got home.. Just my luck, the rain stopped as soon as I slammed the door I'm sure of it.

"Hey honey, did you enjoy work today?" I barely heard my mum over the tv. Yes I'm from England I forgot to tell you, another boring fact about my life.

"Yeah Mum it was alright, I have to get some sleep." I peeled the wet Jacket off of my skin, I hate the rain. I didn't like the sun either, I didn't even like the outside. Give me a supernatural or a tv show and I'll be yours forever.

"Night angel." I hugged my mum goodnight and she kissed my forehead just like old times, we said our 'I love you's' and I trudged up stairs in my wet combat boots, set my alarm, fell onto my bed and before I knew it my eyes began closing. I'll probably shower in the morning or something, I just knew I needed sleep and I needed it now. I hope dream land had a place for me.

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