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I just want to apologise for being so late.. I've been through a lot lately.. I will update more I promise... Next update: next Thursday.
The sun crept through the window, I hear the birds chirping outside. TODAY IM FINALLY 18! I can whatever I want...(within reason)
My mind draws to Demi... I wonder what she got me, like she doesn't know me that well... I don't want anything really, I mean, she doesn't have to get me anything.....I wish I could give her everything... And more. Ugh I best start moving.

I checked my phone, SHIT!
It's already 1pm, so far I have 32 messages. I get out of best and stretch, I sound like a baby dinosaur.
I read all my text messages most of them go 'Happy Birthday 18th' and 'have a good one lol' typical obviously.

Hmm, I drag myself to my closet...what to wear?

I decide on a white long sleeve shirt.. Black skinny jeans and white nike airs... Of course their isn't much time before my mum come bursting through the door.

"breakfa- dinner is served!" I love my mum, of course it's been hard trying to provide and give me a happy childhood with an alcoholic father. My dad, Jim I haven't seen him in... 8 years, when I was 10 he walked out of my life.. Never to be seen again. I got used to his bad habits of leaving empty beer bottles all over the floor, cigarette burns in the carpet where I used to play. I was never allowed friends over as you can see why.. My dad never physically hit me, Never.But his words hurt me a lot... I haven't counted how many days I'd cry because she called me ugly or how many lines I would cut, his voice echoed through my brain, it was like going through a dark tunnel where everyone hated you and it never ended.
"I got you a present but your going to have to wait until tomorrow, but it'll be worth it!" My mum really goes out on my birthday.
"I love you mum, you gave birth to me, me being here is enough you don't have to get me anything." We hug it out and I rest my head on my mums shoulder, she's always there for me.

Anyways, I took the plate off of the side cabinet, I chomped on the crispy bacon, and scoffed the eggs.
today is going to be crazy.
It's 7pm.. It smells like sweat, and regret guess what the party just started, because you have to be 21 over here, we've decided to just have the party at my house, so we can drink of course. I get a few dozen happy birthdays, from every... Well, so far everyone is here but Demi. everyone's already started on the vodka, I'm the youngest everyones already legal to drink, so they've had more experience. I'm drinking a little bit tonight the only ones who aren't drinking are My little Caitlin because she's pregnant, so I'll guess she'll stick to OJ. I can't believe she's pregnant though and my friend Tom.
Before I know it the music gets turned down low, everyones chanting my name and singing happy birthday.. Out of the corner of my eye I see Demi.. A big smile spreads across my face, I'm such a dork.

The cake comes closer....
I blow out my candles
I can't tell you what I wished for else it won't come true, holy fuck it would take a miracle for what I wished for.. everyone gives me presents, I get a guitar strap from Caitlin, of course she knew I wanted it, I bragged about it for weeks. My mum got me some new drum sticks, and all my other non close friends got me mostly gift cards to places like Starbucks.. Even though I work there. I begin carrying all my stuff up to my room when I see Demi laying on my bed..

"I thought you'd never find me up here, it took you awhile." She talks in a seductive tone, it just makes me want to tie her naked to my headboard... Where the flying fucks did that come from?
"You know... Now that I've-" I got cut off by a pair of soft lips, it got heated very fast, my arms laced around her waist, my hands slivered up her sides. I licked her bottom lip begging for entrance, she soon accepted, as our tongues fought for dominance, we knew only one of us would win as that was me, We both pulled apart gasping for air. My eyes fluttered open, shocked at what had just happened.

"W-Wow" was all I could stutter out.

She came up close to my ear her breath trickled down my spine. "Meet me, at my house at 12, i have a surprise." I threw everything on the bed and dragged my hands that were once wrapped around Miss Lovato's waist, through my hair. Damn I need a drink!

Life's Hard, Miss Lovato. (GxG) (TxS) (Complete) Where stories live. Discover now