78 | surprise surprise

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chloemaxxwwe surprise surprise, you've figured it out! a little over a week ago, i finally became chloe maxwell evans! at first, chris and i wanted to let everyone know when we got engaged and even when we were getting married, but after a few con...

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chloemaxxwwe surprise surprise, you've figured it out! a little over a week ago, i finally became chloe maxwell evans! at first, chris and i wanted to let everyone know when we got engaged and even when we were getting married, but after a few conversations with each other, we decided to keep it to ourselves for a little while. we wanted to really enjoy the moment together with our closest family and friends. it was truly a magical night that i'll cherish forever. to chris my best friend and crazy enough, my husband, i sometimes think back to the first time we met and wow... who would've thought i'd end up getting married to captain america, THE chris evans... it still shocks me whenever i look at the ring on my finger and at the life we've created together. i've always had a crush on you and been a fan for the longest time, so meeting you two years ago was truly a blessing in disguise. you saved me without even knowing it. you've taught me so much about love and forgiveness. we had a couple of fun adventures just the two of us and then little hayden came along and we became three. hayden is the best thing that's ever happened to me, next to you of course! our baby boy is already seven months old... time really flies. thank you for choosing me to be chloe maxwell evans, truly. happiness has always been with you, so thank you for being the last piece to my puzzle. i choose you in this lifetime and i'm gonna keep choosing you in the next. you are mine until the end of time. i love you always and forever xo @/chrisevans ps: our after party probably wasn't the most practical seeing as chris ripped off literally everyone's shirts 😔
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username1 we knew it ahhhh


username3 hello miss evans

username4 i cried reading this

chrisevans sweetheart i love you. thank you for being mine. you make me the happiest man alive and for that, i couldn't thank you enough. god, i'm crazy for you and you love it when my shirt's off
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

chloemaxxwwe @/chrisevans u my baby forever and u knw i do
{liked by chrisevans}

username5 i'm crying

username6 cringe

thenikkibella endlessly happy for you my bestie, you deserve all the happiness in the world c4 <3
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

thebriebella what a beautiful little family chlo!! wishing you guys the best always! c4 x
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

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