59 | sips tea

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chrisevans when you're chloe, every side is a good side

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chrisevans when you're chloe, every side is a good side. u my lover baby @/chloemaxxwwe
618,924 likes 13,845 comments

username1 the perfect hypeman

username2 chris sho cute

username3 he basically her personal photographer now

username4 meet chris evans, the president of chloe's fan club

chloemaxxwwe omg literally shut up you're so fucking cute.. i love u sm more than anything in the entire world evans
{liked by chrisevans}

chrisevans @/chloemaxxwwe you're truly the most gorgeous person i've ever laid my eyes on
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

chloemaxxwwe baby, you're too sweet to me... you're my, my lover
{liked by chrisevans}

chrisevans and you are my everything, its so crazy how much i love you
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

username5 bye they're my fav couple

username6 someone get me a man that'll treat me
the way chris treats chloe

username7 i stan this duo, the fact that they listen to taylor swift too omg the best pair

username8 they're so powerful i swear

username9 the day i find myself a chris evans it's over for you bitches



chloemaxxwwe i just wanna give a shoutout to whoever made this collage of me, its so amazing

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chloemaxxwwe i just wanna give a shoutout to whoever made this collage of me, its so amazing. it literally captures my emotions during the day! i'm truly a sight for sore eyes
613,038 likes 14,865 comments

username1 this pink hair is gorgeous

username2 looking a lil whitewashed there hun

username3 pause. who the fk let u look this beautiful chloe????

chrisevans i'm. so. lucky. tell me how you manage to look so stunning no matter what you do baby. u are mine forever and i love u so much
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

chloemaxxwwe @/chrisevans seriously stop being so fucking cute i swear... u my everything always babe, i love you most
{liked by chrisevans}

username4 brb imma go cry bc they're so cute

thenikkibella i miss u!! see u soon chloe!! YOU'RE TRULY GLOWING
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

chloemaxxwwe @/thenikkibella I MISS YOU TOO NICOLE!! yes we def are doing a girls day real soon, i miss the three of u guys sm!! i'm just so happy right now, it's crazy
{liked by thenikkibella}

username5 suddenly i'm missing chloe in wwe

username6 gimme tfatws now omg

alexa_bliss_wwe_ things haven't been the same without my other half!! how have u been girl?
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

chloemaxxwwe @/alexa_bliss_wwe_ lexi! i miss you too, i'm definitely seeing u girls soon! things have been great, im in a really great place compared to before! how's mr barnes? heh
{liked by alexa_bliss_wwe_}

alexa_bliss_wwe_ we're actually very good, he makes me really happy as well and life's going great for me too
{liked by chloemaxxwwe, imsebastianstan}

username7 i'm glad chris makes chloe happy, she deserves it

username8 steve rogers rlly loves sharon carter, not peggy carter smh fk her!!

username9 sad bc seb isn't single anymore but it's ok he gets alexa so

thebriebella chlo, you look so good babe! i cant wait to see you very soon! we need to catch up for sure i wanna year all about your life.
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

chloemaxxwwe brianna, thank you! yes, i miss all u girls so much! of course and i have a lot to tell you guys! see u all very soon!
{liked by thebriebella}

username10 at the end of the day, they're always gonna be on each other's left

username11 i love this group so much

thedeanambrose i miss u
{deleted by chloemaxxwwe}

username12 did i just see what i think i saw

username13 dean is playing mind games with chloe omg wtf

username14 quietly sips tea


here's another random chapter! hope you guys enjoy and i'll update soon!! remember to vote, comment and follow if you enjoy my content! thanks for the support and i'll definitely update later this week when possible!! see ya!

ps, u guys are the best!

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