18 | i love u

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chloemaxxwwe my fit for last nights event thank u @/chanelofficial for having me! ps u guys should tune into enews in a few minutes

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chloemaxxwwe my fit for last nights event thank u @/chanelofficial for having me! ps u guys should tune into enews in a few minutes.. u may see a familiar face 😜
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(interviewer in bold
chloe in just italics)

welcome to the studio wwes newest superstar, chloe!

hi everyone! thanks for having me today!

of course! how has wwe been treating you so far?

they've been amazing! everyone is so kind and they treat me just like family. i'm very grateful for everyone there.

so we hear that you now have a special someone in your life.. care to explain chloe?

ahaha yes, dean ambrose and i recently got into a relationship! he's very sweet and a huge flirt, but i love that about him.

when did you find about you felt this way about him?

i guess you can say that i fell for his charm ahaha. in all honestly, we did not get along at first. i thought he was just flirting with me for fun but he actually meant everything that he said. that's when i decided to give him a chance and here we are now.

i think you guys are the cutest couple right now!

aw that's sweet! he truly is amazing and im very happy that we found our way towards each other.

did your friends set you guys up? word on the street is that your group of friends claim to have done so.

i would say they all played a part! they convinced me to admit my feelings with dean and they convinced dean to finally ask me out. they really are the best group of people i could have ever met.

that's very sweet to say! do you think that you'll ever get married in the future to dean?

i honestly have not thought that far into the future but i could see that potentially happening. he and i work very well together and our chemistry is through the roof. so yes, it may or may not happen!

we're glad to see that you guys are happy together! thank you much for your time and we hope to see you back at e! studios soon!

thank you guys for having me! this has been very fun!


my baby 💋💞
saw your interview, you're so cute sweetheart. you have my whole heart baby.

sweetheart 😍💓
aw thank you dean! i meant every single word i said during that interview!

my baby 💋💞
i love u chlo, see u in a bit!

sweetheart 😍💓
i love u too, see u!


hey everyone! i wanted to update once before i go to school tmr! hope u guys enjoy the chapter kek!

if you guys enjoy my content please vote, follow and comment!

that's all i got for now kek, please look forward to new chapters coming soon!! bye lovelies!

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