49 | life

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chloe's POV:

i should be sleeping right now, but instead i'm sitting on the couch at 11pm waiting for dean to come home. he didn't respond to my messages when i asked if he needed a ride home so the only thing i could do is wait. actually, he hasn't responded to any of my messages as of late. i truly don't know what's up with him because we haven't had a full conversation in weeks. i just don't understand what's happening with us..

minutes later, i heard the door open and i turned around. there he was, looking the same as when he left for japan weeks ago. there was something off about him, and i think we both knew that.

"dean, hey. how was the plane ride?" i asked simply.

"hey chloe, it was fine." he said.

at that moment i knew something was off. he never just calls me chloe like that.

"can we talk?" i blurted out.

"can it wait until tomorrow? i'm really tired right now." he said before he walked into our bedroom.

i laid down on the couch and just stared at the ceiling. i fell asleep wondering what the hell was going on with us..


next morning (still chloe's POV)

i woke up the next morning in bed. i looked around and didn't see dean anywhere. he must of brought me in here last night.

i got up to brush my teeth and then i went to the kitchen to see him sitting at the dining table.

"good morning dean." i said as he smiled faintly at me.

i sat down in front of him and took a deep breath.

"can we talk now?" i asked him.

"what'd you want to talk about? is it that important that we need to talk about this right now? i just wanna relax chloe." he replied.

"dean, what's going on with us?" i blurted out.

"what do you mean?" he said.

"dean, you and i both know that this isn't normal. what we've been doing isn't normal. you've been gone for weeks and i've gotten no texts, no calls, not even a simple voicemail from you. i've been worried sick about you and you can't even respond to a simple text. a simple i'm fine would've been nice. but no, i got nothing.. absolutely nothing from you. tell me dean. are you cheating on me? be honest with me please." i rambled.

"chloe, you know i've been really busy. i didn't mean to ignore you like that, if that was what it seemed like then i'm sorry. you know that everyone's been wanting to sign me lately and i've been all over the place. you know i wouldn't cheat on you... you know me chloe. that's one thing i would and could never do." he said.

"of course i know that dean.. i'm sorry that came out, but i think you and i both know that we haven't been the same since you left a few weeks ago. and then now you come back and only call me chloe and even i find that strange. didn't we promise to not let distance stand in our way? what happened to that?" i said.

"chloe if i'm being honest, things clearly are different. i just think right now might not be the best time to be engaged.." he trailed off.

at that moment, i knew what was coming up next. i just didn't think that this would ever happen to us.

"what are you trying to say?" i whispered looking straight at him.

"i'm trying to say that maybe right now we should take a break from each other. i just don't think right now we're on the same path. i'm going to be on the other side of the world pursuing different things and you're going to be around with the wwe. time just isn't on our side and i know this is gonna be hard, but we've had a break before. let's just break up officially and see where life takes us in a few months. this might benefit the both of us. we can both grow apart from each other." he replied.

"i should've seen this coming.. dean i love you so much and if you feel that this is best for us then okay. you said it. let's break up. you live your life and i'll live mine. and we'll go on from there." i said as tears rushed down my face.

"baby, i know we're gonna be okay. i'm leaving again tonight and i probably won't be back for a while. i love you chloe and i know that this will be good for the both of us. alright chloe, i'm gonna get outta your way and go pack now." he said.

he walked over to my side of the table and gave me a long kiss on the lips. he pulled away and smiled at me. i'm gonna miss seeing that face so much..

dean wanted this and i guess you can say a part of me was expecting this to happen. it's just... i didn't want this to happen.


hey!! random summer update. sorry it's been long over due.. seriously though who knew signing up for classes for college would be this difficult. anyways i'll try to update as soon as i can. thank you for continuously supporting this book and my other books even if i suck at consistent updates. see y'all soon!!

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