7 | shes kinda hot

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imessage groupchat
[mission impossible] created by alexa
alexa - "harley quinn"
brie - "birdie's mom"
nikki - "the older twin"
roman - "samoan superman"
seth - "the architect"


samoan superman
uhhh what is this?

the architect
yeah same uh why are we here?

harley quinn
nikki, brie and i have decided to let u guys join our mission

the architect
what is this "mission?"

the older twin
we have decided to set dean and chloe up

samoan superman
yoooo my boy seth and i were tryna do something too but i guess u guys beat us to it

birdie's mom
we need u guys to talk to dean and find out if he likes chloe or not

the architect
alright, roman let's go.

samoan superman
u got it dude

[roman {samoan superman} and seth {the architect} have left the imessage groupchat]


imessage groupchat
[the shield boys] created by seth
dean - "the lunatic fringe"
roman - "the big dog"
seth - "the man"


the man
yo dean u got some time to talk?

the lunatic fringe
yeah what's up bros

the big dog
so uh seth and i here, have noticed that u and a certain blonde named chloe have been flirting on social media

the man
so we were wondering what's up with u guys? we've been quite curious about it

the lunatic fringe
chloe? nah i wouldn't call it flirting, perhaps just having a little fun

the big dog
hmm okay, how do u feel about her?

the lunatic fringe
she seems cool, we only met a few times but we never really talked besides on like social media and shit

the man
so uh what do u like about her?

the lunatic fringe
idk she seems easy to talk to. and i know this may seem weird but i kinda like her playing hard to get. normally girls come to me u know? but with her, it's like she doesn't care and i like that a lot. plus i guess she's kinda hot or whatever. so are we done with this interrogation??

the big dog
yeah we're done brotha!

the man
sorry for springing this up on ya all of a sudden dude!

the lunatic fringe
nah, it's cool. u two were just curious. alright well imma go get some food at catering so see y'all in a bit.

the big dog
see ya!

the man
bye dude!

[dean {the lunatic fringe}, roman {samoan superman} and seth {the architect} have left the imessage groupchat]


imessage groupchat
[mission impossible] created by alexa
alexa - "harley quinn"
brie - "birdie's mom"
nikki - "the older twin"
roman - "samoan superman"
seth - "the architect"

[roman {samoan superman} and seth {the architect} have rejoined the imessage groupchat]


samoan superman
yo, dean told us he thinks that she's kinda hot and he likes that she's playing hard to get

the architect
we should like get them to text each other privately

harley quinn
i agree, the girls and i will tell her to text dean because it's urgent or something

the older twin
sounds good to me!

birdie's mom
cross ur fingers and let's hope this works! we may have a new it couple everyone!


anotha chapter for u lovely readers! obviously once again at 2 am because i am most definitely a night owl! i just can't get myself to sleep early nowadays!!

sigh i should get to bed though because i have registration for senior year tmrw and i have to wake up early sigh... scratch that actually. HUGE GIGANTIC SIGH! i am not tryna wake up early omg.. i sleep until like 1 pm at the most so 8 am is a bit too early for me heh.. sigh i hate school :(( i don't want summer to end u guys! summer'18 was my favorite summer so far sigh!

well, hope u guys enjoyed this chapter, i will try to update my other books soon! they're called i found you and second chances if u guys wanna read them! they can both be found on my profile!

please please please remember to vote, comment and follow if u guys enjoy my content! it would mean so much to me if u guys did all these things kek! well, i will see u probably tomorrow night for another update! see ya and thanks again everyone!

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