42 | #ThankYouShield

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chloemaxxwwe a love like no other 🥰 @/thedeanambrose610,953 likes 11,274 comments

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chloemaxxwwe a love like no other 🥰 @/thedeanambrose
610,953 likes 11,274 comments

username1 i missed u two

username2 ahhh so so so cute

username3 i want a love like this

username4 showoff smh

username5 beautifully said chlo

thedeanambrose i love you baby c
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

chloemaxxwwe @/thedeanambrose i love you more d
{liked by thedeanambrose}

username6 i love you two ugh

thenikkibella u guys are adorable,, artem and i miss you guys so much!!
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

chloemaxxwwe @/thenikkibella nicole! i love you! you and artem are cuter 😉! shut up i'm seeing you two this weekend anyways!
{liked by the thenikkibella and theartemc}



wwe #TheShield have entered the ring together, ready to address the future

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wwe #TheShield have entered the ring together, ready to address the future. Updates will come soon.
421,038 likes 10,557 comments

username1 can they just be together like forever

username2 hounds of justice!

wwerollins no matter what happens tonight, i'll always have their backs. they are my brothers until the end. they've been with me through thick and thin, so boys lets have some fun tonight! this may be our last run for a while, but when you hear sierra india echo lima delta hit, you know who it is. #ThankYouShield #ForeverTheShield

thedeanambrose it's been a rough past few months, and things were said and done. it doesn't disregard the fact that these two are my brothers. no matter where we all end up in the future, we'll always be there for one another. this ride has been amazing, but don't count us out. you'll never know when we'll pop up again. #ThankYouShield #ForeverTheShield

romanreignswwe watching wwe from home made me realize that these boys have waited for me to come back. and now that i have, i'm grateful that they decided to have one last run with me. as our reign ends, another rises but one things for sure, The Shield will never be over. we will be back and you can believe that. #ThankYouShield #ForeverTheShield

username3 i might've just cried like a lot

username4 shield is gonna be in the hof in the future, bet


yo-yo i'm back!! it's been a long while haha. i've been really busy with school but i decided to publish this chapter that i've been writing.

ill try my very best to update soon because i've kinda been missing writing.

anyways, hope y'all ignore and see everyone soon in some upcoming chapters in the near future! bye bye!

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