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chrisevans she's a gem @/chloemaxxwwe 601,749 likes, 13,258 comments

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chrisevans she's a gem @/chloemaxxwwe
601,749 likes, 13,258 comments

username1 ahh finally U POSTED ABOUT OUR FAV GIRL

username2 stfu they're so cute

username3 i want a chris evans

chloemaxxwwe you're so fucking cute
{liked by chrisevans}

chrisevans no ones cuter than you love @/chloemaxxwwe
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

robertdowneyjr and for gosh sake, watch your language
{liked by chloemaxxwwe, chrisevans}

username4 age of ultron throwback

chrisevans @/robertdowneyjr even after 4 years that's still not going away anytime soon
{liked by robertdowneyjr}

username5 god i love this cast

username6 i stan the right type of people

username7 babies are now instagram official on both accs!!

username8 a true power couple


chloe's instagram dms

we need to talk

hello to you too miss

you need to stay away from dean chloe

i'm sorry what'd you say?

u heard me loud and clear

first of all, he and i haven't spoken in weeks period. second, i don't know who the fuck you think you are to tell me what to do

i'm just letting you know that dean and i are a happy couple and i don't need you all of a sudden trying to get back with him

i'm sorry but since when did you become this delusional?? i knew u were crazy, but not this crazy. i'm glad that you're both happy or whatever, but it's quite obvious that i'm in a relationship.. in case you uh forgot sweetheart or did u just hit ur head and forgot all of a fucking sudden..

well ok then. i still don't trust or like you so i felt the need to warn you to back off.. i'm not crazy i'm just trying to keep whats now mine.

classic renee always trying to take things outta proportion. news flash he and i are officially done. i don't know how many times i have to tell you, but i'm not getting back with him k??? u don't have to worry about one thing sweetie. i'm not a threat to your relationship so take a chill pill.

whatever u say.. i still don't trust you. k bye i'm gonna go talk to dean now. bye loser!

bout time this useless conversation ended


hey i couldn't sleep so here's another random chapter for you all. ps to my readers tbh i'm not sure where this story is headed, but i have some interesting ideas for it. i'm curious to see how this story is gonna end up turning out so if you're curious as well please continue to read this story. ur support means the world to me.

anyways i'll update as soon as i have the time to! please comment if you have anything to say! i love reading your thoughts and stuff!! also vote and follow if you like my content! thank you and see y'all very very soon.

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