31 | xoxo, chlo

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chloemaxxwwe so because dean's busy at the gym with the boys and not giving me attention, i have decided to do another q&a since it's really highly requested! if u guys want, you can drop some questions on my twitter! xoxo, chlo608,913 likes 10,27...

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chloemaxxwwe so because dean's busy at the gym with the boys and not giving me attention, i have decided to do another q&a since it's really highly requested! if u guys want, you can drop some questions on my twitter! xoxo, chlo
608,913 likes 10,275 comments


username1 how does it feel to be the champ?
it feels amazing! i've worked so hard to get to that championship and now i finally have it. i couldn't be anymore happy.

username2 sis do u like queen? if u do, pick a fav song, mine is killer queen!
uhm OF COURSE I DO, i can't believe u really asked me that. but anyways, that is excellent choice. to be honest, i would probably say all of them are my favs. that's definitely a very hard question because all of their music is so diverse, i could never choose just one song from them. that's like asking me to choose between dean seth and roman. i could never do that to my boys.

username3 who has been your favorite opponent so far?
i think my favorite opponent(s) would be my best friends, alexa, brie, and nikki. i've only gotten to wrestle them each one time but when i wrestle with them, they bring out the best in me. they're truly the most talented women on the roster no matter what anyone else says and i love them to death.

thenikkibella who do u like better, brie alexa or me?
obviously brie and alexa.. just kidding i love u three just as equally. u have my whole ass heart u dingo.

username4 how are u and dean doing?
we're great, thanks for asking! he is the best boyfriend ever and he cares for me like no one else could!

thedeanambrose i took a break from lifting but quick question, can u lift more than me?
yes, yes i can... not. we get it ur the strong one outta the both of us 😕. no one likes a bragger gosh. we all know that roman and seth lift more than you. it's the truth.

username5 how are u and finn? sorry if this is too much..
we're fine? we're just friends and im in a serious relationship. pls refrain from those type of questions.

finnbalor did you ever love me?

finnbalor that's all i needed to hear. i will find a way to get us back to where we were c, i have to.

username6 uhm tea is gonna be spilled..
sadly, u aren't wrong

username7 i assume we're gonna get an ambrose balor feud?
yeah.. perhaps..

thedeanambrose im coming back rn, can we talk again?
yeah, i figured u would want to.


oof next chapter, there's gonna be another talk between chlo and dean! hehe couldn't wait so i decided to put out another chapter. sorry if it seems super rushed guys!

hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! please vote, comment and follow if you enjoy my content. thank u all so much for the support! love u all and see u soon!

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