6 | mission impossible

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imessage groupchat
[four bad bitches] created by nikki
alexa - "little miss bliss"
brie - "brianna danielson"
chloe - "dean's sweetheart"
nikki - "fearless nikki"


fearless nikki
i have a question for miss chloe

brianna danielson
i too have an important question to ask

little miss bliss
sorry chlo, but i also have some questions to ask u

dean's sweetheart
firstly, wtf is this nickname and omg is this an interrogation??

fearless nikki
okay, it's not necessarily a interrogation

little miss bliss
it's more of a question and answer??

brianna danielson
ps, i set the nickname because i thought it seemed quite fitting

dean's sweetheart
a question and answer huh?? okay fine, ask away whores

fearless nikki
what is ur relationship with dean ambrose?

dean's sweetheart
well, for starters there is no relationship

little miss bliss
okay.. how do u feel bout him?

dean's sweetheart
honestly?? he infuriates me.. but idk he's kind of cute? and i dunno.. the attention he gives me is kinda nice.

brianna danielson
ah hah! so u do think he's cute!

dean's sweetheart
well uh, it was nice chatting with u all... im gonna go practice now! bye!

[chloe {dean's sweetheart} has left the imessage groupchat]

fearless nikki
y'all thinking what i'm thinking?

little miss bliss
mission set dean and chloe up is now a go

brianna danielson
lets do this girls! we can do it.. even if it's mission impossible lol...


yo it's yours truly back with another chapter! idk but i am really liking how this book is turning out! i really love it omg!

also uh please check out ariana grande's new album, sweetener! i love it so much y'all already know omg! every single song is a bop and the whole album is a literal banger!

okay remember to vote, comment and follow if u guys enjoy all my content!! ps also i am so excited because of summerslam later today!! okie bye now everyone!

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