5 | kinda cute

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chloemaxxwwe hi everyone, i'm currently waiting in the drive through for some in n out and i'm very bored so please shoot me some questions on twitter! it's the same as my instagram handle! ps don't worry i'll let u guys comment soon!295,968 likes...

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chloemaxxwwe hi everyone, i'm currently waiting in the drive through for some in n out and i'm very bored so please shoot me some questions on twitter! it's the same as my instagram handle! ps don't worry i'll let u guys comment soon!
295,968 likes {comments have been disabled}


username1 hows working for the wwe?
omg i am glad u asked! i truly love it! everyone is nice and i love the atmosphere.

username2 what's ur fav Backstreet Boys song?
ahhhh i love them! that is a tough question... i can't decide between i want it that way, don't go breakin' my heart, larger than life and backstreets back!!!

username3 do u like listening to ABBA? if so, pick ur favorite song!
omg i am so happy u asked me this question! i fucking love ABBA!!! all their songs are fucking amazing and i know all the words to like all their songs! wtf u whore i can't pick a favorite song, i jam to literally all of them all the damn time! i belt out all the songs in the shower as well kek! they're kinda my guilty pleasure but like i feel no guilt at all kek!

username4 what's ur opinion on dean ambrose??
my opinion? uh he seems like a huge flirt but idk it's kinda cute??? omg what am i even saying... forget i said anything tyty

thedeanambrose so u think i'm kinda cute? right back at ya sweetheart.
i said nothing! bye now! but thanks u loser.

username5 would u ever consider joining the shield????
perhaps? i mean roman and seth are cool but dean? idk how i feel bout him. we shall see about that..

username6 are u going to be participating in the ppv, evolution?
actually, yeah i am! idk what i'm gonna do yet but i will be there heh.

thedeanambrose come on don't deny it, u said i'm cute.
this isn't a question honey. boy bye.

username7 what cute couple banter!
omg we are not a couple asdfghjkl

thedeanambrose a man can only dream
ur such a loser dean. keep dreaming u lunatic!

thedeanambrose of course baby, you're in my dreams every single fucking night sweetheart
that's sweet babe, but please i don't need to hear bout that

thedeanambrose aw come on, the dreams are totally wet if u know what i mean chlo
dean! there are children here omg keep ur dirty mind to urself!!

username8 y'all cute or whateva
thanks lover

thedeanambrose fuck off i'm her lover
haha u wish

thedeanambrose that i do
mhm okay dean

reneeyoungwwe stop going after my man ok??? bye now!
excuse me but no one is going after anyone so u can get your little announcer ass outta here. bye now!

username9 chloe is feisty AF
yes, yes i am

username10 who was ur past relationship with? sorry if it's too personal!
ah, i knew this question would pop up sooner or later. it's not too personal actually. i dated @/finnbalor for over two years a while back before i got signed to the wwe. hmm but other than that relationship, i'd say that's the only one i've had and it ended on a really good note. we're still really close! he was a super supportive boyfriend.

finnbalor of course we're close chlo, forever and always until the end
heh i love u.. also that was so sappy ugh what happened to u

thedeanambrose @/finnbalor i can't believe u never told me about this. we are going to have a long talk later mr demon king, watch ur back balor

finnbalor @/thedeanambrose yikes uh @/chloemaxxwwe send help
good luck balor, may the odds be ever in your favor kek


hey y'all! here's another one for u! this is somewhat longer so hope y'all enjoy! omg i have to practice driving again later today kek i'm not actually that nervous this time which is fucking good!

okay it's like super late so imma go but please vote, comment and follow if you enjoy my content! please also check out my other dean ambrose stories if u enjoy this one. they're titled i found you and second chances! they can both be found on my profile! thank u so much and bye! i will try to update later when i have the time!

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