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chloemaxxwwe he sho cute randomly buying me flowers

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chloemaxxwwe he sho cute randomly buying me flowers.. u r so special evans @/chrisevans
631,985 likes 14,046 comments

username1 y'all are so cute

username2 c&c

username3 the best lookin couple around

chrisevans u deserve everything c
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}

chloemaxxwwe @/chrisevans you are too kind to me baby
{liked by chrisevans}


username5 relationship goals.. there i said it

username6 i'm jealous ig wonder if dean is jealous as well

username7 thats it.. imma post about being in love with some and hope they'll respond to me

username8 i need a boyfriend

username9 kinda want chloe to join the mcu... deadass

username10 already signing that petition kek


interview with enews
(interviewer in bold, chloe in just italics)

welcome, my guest once again wwe superstar, chloe!

hi everyone! it's so nice to be back! it's been a long time since the last interview.

it has been a long year since that first interview. my first question would have to be, how much do you think you have grown as a person since then?

well, the chloe back then and the chloe now i would say are two totally different people. that chloe was still new in the world of entertainment. she was still adjusting to her new life. me today, i would say i've grown to love the entertainment world and i enjoy every single second of it.

that's great! i would like to ask about dean. i know it's a tough topic, so is it okay if i proceed?

yes of course. ask away!

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