44 | follow your heart

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chloemaxxwwe sending everyone some morning love! currently waiting for dean to make me some breakfast,, he truly is the best man ever i'm so lucky you guys deadass603,974 likes 11,520 comments

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chloemaxxwwe sending everyone some morning love! currently waiting for dean to make me some breakfast,, he truly is the best man ever i'm so lucky you guys deadass
603,974 likes 11,520 comments

username1 ah your new tat!

username2 why are you so pretty

username3 dean is the best

username4 is dean rlly leaving???

chloemaxxwwe @/username4 he has to answer that,, i'm sorry

username5 our power couple has to stay together forever

username6 wwe wouldn't be the same without you and dean together
{liked by chloemaxxwwe}


i've been receiving countless questions from everyone about dean and his impending departure from the wwe. he won't even tell me about it and i don't even know how to feel. as wrestlemania is this taking place this weekend, i decided to talk to him about it.

"hey dean, can you come here please?" i called out to him as i sat on the bed.

"yeah, what's up babe?" he said as he walked in and sat down in front of me.

he saw my expression and it was like he knew what i wanted to talk about.

"so.. can you tell me what's happening? everyone's been asking me about you and i have no idea how to answer them. it hurts me because i don't even know what's up with you. the whole gang is confused too. can you please let me in, i know that it's hard and the topic is hard to talk about but enlighten me please." i spat out as fast as i could.

"let me start off by saying that i'm sorry for not letting you know about it sooner. it's been tough for me to think about as well baby. as you already know, my concert expires at the end of month. i know wwe has announced that i'm not resigning a few months back but honestly babe, i have no idea what i'm going to do yet. i've been so unhappy with how i've been used since i've returned. i feel like i need a change but i don't wanna leave you and everyone else. you guys mean so much to me. the boys need me here too and i need them." he responded, pulling me into his lap.

"i know it's hard dean. i understand. but is it selfish of me to ask you to stay with me and the boys? i can't wake up everyday knowing that you aren't by my side. this relationship works out because we're together all the time and we love each other. if you don't resign with wwe, i don't know dean.. i've heard that long distance is hard on couples. i don't wanna be that couple that ends on a bad note because of all the arguments.." i whispered, lying my head on his shoulder.

"baby, i know this is tough. i'm really leaning towards the staying. i can't imagine working everyday without you and the boys by my side. i haven't made a decision yet but i will soon.." he replied, rubbing my back.

"i know social media isn't your speciality, but have you seen what roman and seth have been saying? those two are just as heartbroken as all the fans. in all of their interviews, they look like they're about to break down and cry when someone asks a question about you. that is true brotherhood dean. true friendship." i told him.

"i've seen them believe me. they're my brothers and i love them. it hurts me to see them like that too. chlo, this is so hard. tell me, what am i supposed to do?" he sighed.

"all i can tell you is to follow your heart. i did the same and that led me back to you." i said as i gave him a peck on the lips.

"i love you, always." he replied.

"i love you dean." i said, staring at him.

he smiled in response and wrapped his arms around my body. i hugged him back tightly and it felt right. this is how our life should be, with each other. hes my best friend and my other half, that's what makes me complete.


hi guys! here's a chapter for you all!! please remember to vote, comment and follow if you enjoy my content. thank you so much for the support it means so much to me!

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