32 | short break

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chloe's pov:

i heard the door knob twist and turn. dean slowly walked in with a very sad look on his face.

"so, i guess there are some things that i still haven't told you." i started off.

"clearly." he replied as he sat down in front of me.

"okay well.. i know i should've told you this before but it never really came up. finn and i were engaged for a period of time before i broke up with him." i told him.

"and why didn't you tell me this? even after our several arguments we've had over this. you never brought any of it up.. why?" he argued.

"i'm sorry. i didn't know how to bring it up to you." i said frustrated.

"this was something big that happened in your life and you should've told me about it nevertheless." he said.

"i know. im in the wrong for not telling you sooner but i was in love with him. head over heels in love with him. i fell for him hard. his career was just starting to take off and he was getting known all over the place by countless companies. i felt like i was holding him back from achieving his dreams so i ended the engagement and broke up with him. believe me when i say this but i was truly hurt by my own decision. it took me a long time to get over it and that's what led me here, to the wwe, to you dean. i had no idea that he would be in the wwe at first until i met him here. i will always have a huge amount of love for finn but dean, you taught me that you can find love again. i've told you countless times that i am in love you, just trust me please." i ranted, getting out of breath.

he looked at me and pulled me into a hug.

"dean?" i questioned.

"you know something? i have never loved someone as much as i loved you. you've taught me so many things over the past few months. i am proud to call you my girlfriend. you have captured my heart and all of me. but sweetheart, i need you to hash things out with finn once and for all. have one last night with him and see how it all turns out. see where you stand afterwards. get back together with him if that's what it takes for you to fully move on. i trust you. at the end of the day, i'll always be here. no matter what happens between you two, i will be here for you chloe." he proposed.

"dean.. are you sure that's a good idea?" I asked him cautiously.

"it may not be the best idea, as a matter of fact i don't want to let you go like this but i think that this needs to be done in order for you to fully get over him. we both know that you aren't. you may love me but there's a part of you that is still attached to finn. this needs to be done chloe. let's just take a short break and we'll be back before you know it baby." he said in a distraught manner.

"you know i love you right? just by asking me to do this, it shows how much you care for me. you want me to find out what i really want. thank you dean. for everything that you have done and taught me. i know we'll be back soon. i'll make sure of it." i told him as i gave him a peck on the lips.

"see you soon sweetheart. i love you with all of my heart." he said trying not to tear up. i stood up and grabbed his hand.

"hey hey. it's okay. like you said this is a short break. i love you more dean ambrose. see you soon my lunatic fringe." i replied as i squeezed his hand tightly.

i let go of his hand and grabbed by bag that contained all of my items.

i walked to the door and looked back at him. he smiled at me and i smiled back. i blew him a kiss and walked out of the door. i put my sunglasses on and took a large breath. that was one of the hardest things that i have ever done.

a part of me knew that i belonged with dean. the other part? it doesn't know what it wants anymore.

i left the hotel only to be bombarded with cameras. i pushed aside and climbed into my car. i took another deep breath and decided it was time to see finn.

i dialed his number and he picked up almost instantly.

"hello?" i heard him say.

"it's chlo." i replied.

"hey, what's up love? do you need something?" he asked.

"do u think that we could meet up on saturday to talk about some things?" i asked.

"yeah of course, anything for you love." he said.

"alright finn, ill see you then, ill text you." i said quietly.

"see you love." he said before he hung up.

is this going to be the end of dean and i? i honestly have no idea. i don't know how to feel at all..


the end of c and d??
article by enews

we have some heartbreaking news for you all today.

fans of wwe superstars chloe maxwell and dean ambrose may have to start worrying soon.

chloe was spotted today leaving her hotel which we assume that she shared a room with dean.

she had on dark shades and ignored all cameras in front of her. based on her facial expressions, we could only assume the worst. are things not as happy as they seem with the couple?

this follows the breaking news that another wwe superstar, finn balor previously dated chloe. could that have been a factor in this breaking relationship between the duo? enews will be the first to report once we have more breaking information.


hey y'all! this chapter was quite a long one! this chapter was so hard to write because i had no idea what to even write about.

i hope you guys enjoy this chapter and my books! if you continue to enjoy my content, please follow, comment and vote. i appreciate all the feedback from you guys!

i hope to have a chapter up before thanksgiving! most likely i will update on sunday or tuesday! see u all super soon and i love u lots kek!

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